Are you a risk taker? Does a junk bond seem like a good idea to you? You know, high risk, high yield. My answer ten years ago would have been, "Absolutely not," for does risk really have a pay off?

Think about your own personal day-to-day operations. Do you keep a schedule? Are safe in your dealings? Are you flexible? Can you pick up the phone and make an unscheduled call or receive one? Will your day go sideways or will you have meltdown if a client or interviewee shows up a half hour early?

Now, I don't jump out of perfectly good airplanes. I don't drive a taxi cab in New York, nor do I deal with outraged customers or incensed patrons. I spend my days talking with people, conducting research, making connections, and yes, I spend a portion of my day writing. I wouldn't exactly put my work in the risky category or consider what I do dangerous. But I suppose there is a certain amount of gumption and courage required.

Is it risky to put your self out there, to face the possibility of rejection or failure? Each of us faces demons that try to convince us that "bad things" will happen if you stretch or reach outside of your comfort zone. Learning to hear the demons but not listen is the trick. A friend reminded me today, "We are exactly where we are supposed to be at any given moment." So, perhaps we approach these moments, without consideration of the risk, but instead consider the lesson. What you do with that lesson is what matters.

Will that "moment" change your POV? Or will you keep on keepin' on?

by rayannethorn

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