Fire my Client or Use Candex: Web-based Recruiting Service?

Hello! Any of your clients switch to a web-based recruiting system? One of our clients just switched to “Candex.” If you’ve heard of them, I would love any feedback! My candidates would be submitted through Candex’s website, and invoices go to Candex instead of directly to the client. On top of that, this Candex company collects 3% of my fee as “administrative payment for their services.”  
Seriously, if the client wants to use this service, why do we have to pay for it? And, how safe is my data once entered into their website?
I would really appreciate some input on this! Thanks in advance.

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Absolutely not.  Thank the client for past business and move on.

Thanks for the feedback!

Nicholas Meyler said:

Absolutely not.  Thank the client for past business and move on.

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