The Happy Spinster is blogging and, believe me, you don't want to miss what she has to say!
Sunday, January 25, 2009
2:35pm Happy Spinster Being single and happy as one, affords you the choice to go home or not go home with someone. Especially someone who is married and projects his whacked out existence on you as a way for him to achieve an orgasm!
2:36pm Maureen Sharib You know what I think you shoulda' said?
2:37pm Happy Spinster What?
2:37pm Maureen Sharib "Listen Buster - I'm a blogger!"
2:37pm Maureen Sharib Levels the playing field a little, I think...
2:37pm Maureen Sharib ...actually - it levels it ALOT! Like a bulldozer would.
2:37pm Maureen Sharib ;)
2:37pm Happy Spinster LOL!!!! That's a good one. I need to get faster on my feet. I did lose my sense of humor over this
2:38pm Maureen Sharib I find it really interesting though that your female friends have reacted differently to this than your male friends...
2:38pm Happy Spinster My male friends think I should be flattered.
2:39pm Maureen Sharib Really? Flattered?
2:39pm Maureen Sharib Like somebody's doin' you a favor? I gotta tell you...I find that REALLY OFFENSIVE.
2:40pm Happy Spinster Yeah......again, nothing wrong with someone finding you irresistible. It's the manner in which one goes about asking - and not punishing you for the answer.
2:40pm Maureen Sharib Did you feel punished? How?
2:41pm Happy Spinster I don't feel punished in this situation. But over a career-sometimes if you don't play along with boss, sometimes it can cost you a job, a promotion or friendship.
2:41pm Happy Spinster In this day and age, it still happens.
2:42pm Maureen Sharib It's not really talked about. The victim most often is the one put out on the stoop
2:42pm Happy Spinster I wish married people would understand that single women who have never married aren't afraid of being alone.
2:43pm Maureen Sharib Do you think maybe it's the married person who is afraid of being alone?

Read the whole Sunday afternoon chat here.

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