Ever since I was a little girl, I have felt different, like I didn't fit in. I had a big mouth, beyond loud, just big. I was very skinny with knobby knees and pointy elbows. I wanted to be popular, I hoped the "popular fairy" would visit my house every night and bless me with instant friends and admiration. It wasn't easy being me. I thought big thoughts and wanted so much more. I guess most kids feel that way.

I loved thinking that there had to be more for me. So think I did. I reveled in books, sports, and entertainment. I could be anything I wanted in my own imagination. I guess I should have checked out the big book of jobs at the library because not only had I never thought of being a recruiter; I had never even heard of it, other than the obvious Uncle Sam finger pointing at you.

If, as a nine-year old, I had known about recruiting as a career, I probably would have dreamed about the possibilities of it all. The chance to talk to people I had never met before every day, the opportunity to [sap warning] change lives, the prospect of lunch with big whigs, the ultimate ROI -> a piece of letterhead that says INVOICE across the top, and, of course, the glory of a client's check arriving in the mail..., how sweet it is.

The perfect candidate for a job in recruiting? Must be low maintenance (everyone else comes first), can flip the switch easily (able to jump from one search to another quickly, without skipping a beat), grasp concepts rather quickly (freaking evolution of technology), fearless (can talk to anyone about anything), tenacious ( I get knocked down, but I get up again), accepting of defeat (your candidate isn't getting invited to the show), risky (willingly spending last dollar for a cup of joe with a candidate), and like people. There, I said it... you need to like people.

I have heard it said that you don't have to like people to do this job. I respectfully disagree. You have to be engaging and at least, feign concern. And if that is the case, if you are feigning, then you aren't recruiting, you are acting. You have to be different. You have to act differently. You have to think differently. You need to be a freak magnet. That means everyone, candidate and client, have to enjoy you - the person, in order to get them to open the kimono all the way. To hear the stories and know. Know that you can fix their problem.

Find a job, fill a job. Those are problems for Super Grover.., er, I mean "Superecruiter."

by rayannethorn

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Recruitingblogs.com is like group therapy for me. I'm no expert on the subject but I believe a successful group gives its members the feeling that they are not alone. It allows them the freedom to talk openly to people who understand. Have walked where they’ve walked and talked what they’ve talked. They can say "hey I'm not the only nut case!" That's what I think every time I read your posts Rayanne, And I mean that in the very best way!

Like you. I didn't fit in and immersed myself in the world of books. I had big dreams and no, never thought of being a recruiter. I certainly never realized that I had the perfect qualifications. I too am a freak magnet and I love it!

Being different doesn't mean that we recruiters are all the same. Lots of different styles and personalities out there. We all share common traits though and damn I love it when I read posts like this that and realize that I'm not alone. Viva la Difference!
Our jobs as independent recruiters are unique. My friends and family really don't understand exactly what I'm talking about most of the time. Shoot, half of them don't even understand what I do! Sure, they commiserate when I’ve lost a placement; they applaud when I’ve had a great month…..but they really don’t get it.

One of my dear recruiter friends wanted to open a bar called the “Falloff Tavern”. Only recruiters would be allowed. You could go in and talk to other recruiters who understood when you talked about the candidate that disappeared off the face of the earth after going on an interview….or the one that went on the interview, talked money, and asked for $10,000 more than he/she discussed with you......or the client that asked for a longer guarantee because he just "wasn't sure" if the candidate would make it. If you had a FALLOFF, you got drinks on the house for the night. I always thought it was a great idea but it never happened. Now I’ve got Recruiterblogs.com instead.

Pep talks, inspriation, help getting motivated and shoulders to cry on. Thanks group!
I can’t speak in depth of your recruiting skills, however, given what I know about you, I'm sure you’re exceptional at that too. As for your looks, hard to believe that "knobby knees & pointy elbows" kept you from popularity; as with most girls, especially ones with dreams & desires, it's confidence that holds them back. I see this with my own two daughters, now 12 & 15. So full of life with dreams & hope, yet totally opposite in confidence and self esteem despite my constant assurance that they are both smart and pretty. She will get it soon enough though, I hope? Perhaps I should intro you to my other daughter who has never met a stranger; you could explain to her in more details what a “super recruiter” does so she can start to harness her natural ability. Thanks Gorgeous! :)
You are so right - it's almost as if you've got to be the odd person to find the right talent. It's exhausting as all recruiters experience bumping into all the fish into the ocean in search of THE BEST CATCH! We do it - or I do it because there is something special about each person, not always what I want need at the moment. I think this group therapy is perfect - we aren't alone :) And we need each others superpowers once in awhile.

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