I read an article this week by Mark Liston. He's a recruiter and he is also a generational traitor and a pathetic social masochist.

Here's the essence of what he says:  I'm a baby-boomer and we're awful. Why? Because we're workaholics. We love blackberries. We can’t text message. And we have old Beatles records in the garage.

We have old Beatle records? Is that a sin now? No, but he treats it like one just so he can suck up to Gen Y.

He goes on to say: You guys are better than us. We had race riots. We went on peace marches. We went to Woodstock. We ducked bullets at Kent State.

Does anyone really think that Mark Liston ducked bullets at Kent State? Or that he was involved in a race riot? Of course not.

Mark is just an ordinary guy -- and so is his audience. In fact, there's probably less difference between Baby Boomers like Mark Liston and Gen Y than between any two generations in the last 100 years.

The proof is in the pudding because for the rest of his article Mark gives advice to Gen Y and none of it has anything to do with generational differences at all. Here's a sample of what he says:

  • The most useful class I took in school was typing.

  • No one asked to see my report cards at any job I ever had.

  • Don’t worry about knowing what you want to do 20 years from now.

           All of us who thought we knew changed our minds

  • Don't worry about working with people older than you. It's no big deal

It's not bad advice but I was in a rage for three days after I read thisarticle because of the oily, contemptible, cowardly way in which Mark rushes to appease the barbarians.

Then I started to think: Hey, this is actually a fantastic article because it's so stupid that it undercuts its own lies. First the guy says, "I'm dumber than you" and then he says "So, why don't you take my advice?".

Then I realized something else. My friend, The Funny Banker, tells me that when you come right down to it, selling is lying. Mark is a salesman and, apparently, he knows that if you flatter people you can feed them any kind of baloney you want.

In the comment section underneath this article, the Gen Whiners lap this stuff up. "There's a sucker born every minute," said P.T. Barnum and Generation Y is proving him right.

Audio version

Reference: Back to the Future — A Recruiter’s Thoughts

Mark Liston has many more articles of the same calibre. His blog is here

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Lappin' the yappin'. You saw it here first.
Maybe there's genius to the madness or maybe... he might be nucking futs! Either way the guy was seeking a reaction so can pitch his hidden agenda. Aren't we all salespeople to a certain point? I just wouldn't put my generation down to get the sale.
My dear buddy Animal - I'm afraid you're starting to lost your faculties. Please seek a professional that can help you.

In a rage for 3 days? I realize you are kidding - but come on! How does any of this tripe help you become a better recruiter? Are you reading this stuff during the middle of the business day? Do all these blogs you read help by either connecting you with more clients or put you in a position to make presentations to a more qualified and interested group of candidates?

Someone please go check on Animal. Jason - you guys are neighbors, right? Help this poor man out.

I really do envy the former recruiters who made enough money in the good old days that they can just sit around and bitch now.......... :)
@Maureen - are you writing jingles now? (I like it).

@Lonnie - Right on, man! Thank yoou!

@Jerry Jerry - You ARE the voice of reason. But I have heard so much
of this garbage that it makes me feel like I'm the object of racism.
Age racism. Anyone over 30 is garbage.

I've heard it before - when I was well under 30 and stupid as I was I didn't like it .
And I sure don't like it now. And it's endless and its mindless and I'm one of the few
people willing to call these guys out on it.

This article was particularly obnoxious as people I respect were piling it up with praise.
Are they crazy, I said to myself. I've got to splash some cold water on them - as a favour.

And, by the way, this article was turned down by a recruiting newsletter
specifically because I called the guy out by name.

Again, however, Jerry, I know you're right. You can call these bozos out in public
personally - and ridicule their shoddy logic in front of everyone but it won't make
any difference and it won't make me any money.

Thank you, friend, I needed that. If you were sitting at the desk next to me
I'm sure I'd be a wealthy man.
www.TingleJingles.com is taken, I checked.

There's hope for us. I call it flex-stress, another jingle:
Less pay, fewer benefits, lower prestige — and greater job satisfaction.
Older workers and retirees moving into different lines of work can take heart from a study that finds they are likely to enjoy their new jobs more than their old ones.

In an era when pink slips are flying and some career paths may be cut short because of the economy, many job switches may be forced rather than voluntary.

But whatever the reason, there's new evidence that suggests career changes work out well for the overwhelming majority of older workers because of reduced stress and flexible work schedules.

AARP followed over-50 workers for more than a decade to study career changes and find out how they fared. In all, 91% of the study group said they enjoyed their new jobs, a significant bump from a 79% thumbs-up for their old jobs. More on the old farts (like us) here.
Speak for yourself Maureen.
Nice. Oustanding. I can't wait to add "generational traitor and a pathetic social masochist" to my speaking resume! I'm sure I'll get some nice gigs with that one!

Hey, one of you must be my ex-wife. Animal, is your name really . . . .oh, never mind. She was the last person I kept in a rage for three days and it wasn't because I was"appeasing the barbarians". It was much worse - something to do with the toothpaste top, the toilet paper roll was upside down or something else even less dastardly like standing up for Gen Y'ers and asking Boomers to get over the bad selves at times.

You are right. Never was at Kent State. But there was a race riot and armed guards in the halls of Rockford West High School in the early 70's. (No need to google it for accuracy. West is now a middle school I believe). No fun having the squad cars at the homecoming dance. My wife, also a PROUD boomer like myself, remembers going to school in Massachusetts when her dad was stationed in VietNam. Those kids told her that her dad was a "baby killer".

Boomers are great folks. Not perfect. And, we often forget what we were like. I am very proud to be a boomer. What a great generation - but, again, we forget sometimes what it was like.

You'll be glad to know I did get out the vinyls for a 60's party we had a couple weeks ago. Good to see the albums for The Who, Blood Sweat and Tears, Three Dog Night, Cream, and sad to say we still have the Bobby Goldsboro and Peter, Paul and Mary vinyls, too.

Jerry, clicking on your link and hearing The Who was outstanding. Mary Kay, my wife, and I saw them at the Hollywood Bowl about 18 months ago. They still rock and I think Townsend is better now than he was at Woodstock. Animal, saw the movie "Woodstock" at the Riverlane outdoor theater. If you google that one you'll see it is gone, too. Kids today have no idea how cool the outdoor was.

Lonnie, no hidden agenda. No hocus pocus. Gave a speech to about 500 college kids two weeks ago in Anaheim. My message was simple - if you want to be in sales I want to talk to you. If you don't, I want to help you with your resume or interviewing skills so you have a better chance. I just wish someone would have told me about this 35 years ago.

Sandra, be careful now. Saw that you've been recruiting since 1978. If I'm drueling in the oatmeal you are going to be bib shopping soon. We aren't that far apart - although your picture is much better.

Maureen - it IS a scrary time for many AARPers. Jobs going away, 401ks losing 40% of their value. Fortunately us proud baby boomers will figure out how to get through it.

Rayann, I gotta buy a turntable first. Then, watch out neighborhood. I still have Woodstock vinly and it has some raucous songs.

Animal, hope you can sleep this weekend. 3 days of rage. Outstanding . . .simply outstanding!

*giggles* whispers:Did you guys know he knows how to google? LOL!
Ouch. Grandma Val would be proud you were just whispering.

I didn't want throw at that "Twitter thing" yet. . . . .

See_Jane_Recruit said:
*giggles* whispers:Did you guys know he knows how to google? LOL!
Fortunately us proud baby boomers will figure out how to get through it.

Yup, we always do.
I was more making fun of the fact that I bet they never thought you'd find this post and respond! LOL. I cannot stop laughing! I have deep respect for just about everyone that has responded to this post (don't know this Lonnie guy but I have run across the rest of you a LOT) and they are very intelligent, outspoken, and proud people and to see their bluff called--hoooooooo! Knowing them they'll stand their ground too. Glad you checked in and participated, Mark! LOL!!!!
This is great fun for me. Thanks, Jane. Blogging is to typing what steroids are to baseball players. It builds muscles fast.

I'm not a professional recruiter like the rest of you (no surprise, right Animal!) Just doing my job trying to hire Sales Reps . . . while doing a whole bunch of other stuff, too.

Bring it on! I'm not 55 until June. You are probably better recruiters and bloggers than I am . . .but I'll kick your arses on the speaking circuit - especially in front of a bunch of Gen Yers who are looking for some help to get a job!

See_Jane_Recruit said:
I was more making fun of the fact that I bet they never thought you'd find this post and respond! LOL. I cannot stop laughing! I have deep respect for just about everyone that has responded to this post (don't know this Lonnie guy but I have run across the rest of you a LOT) and they are very intelligent, outspoken, and proud people and to see their bluff called--hoooooooo! Knowing them they'll stand their ground too. Glad you checked in and participated, Mark! LOL!!!!

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