I'm wishing, echo: I'm wishing
For the job I love,
To find me, echo: to find me
Today, echo: today...
..the same in any language, around the world...
Have jobseekers given up? Have their hopes to secure employment been dashed upon the rocks of today? Recent studies have stated that some of the jobless have given up, their despair is so great that they have flat out just stopped looking for jobs,
they have a new-found freedom. Grim freedom.

What responsibilities do we have, as citizens of the world, to police this new liberty with whom so many have recently become acquainted? The songs of freedom don't really fit in with this most recent fight.
Tipperary is indeed a long way, the land of cotton has dried up and is all but forgotten, and cymbals crash no more. And we may need more than an inside-out
rally cap.
I read an
article over the weekend about a recruiter-turned-counselor whose executive search firm has turned into more of guidance counselor's office with squelched hopes sticking to the walls better than most résumés. The Recruiting Animal's
most recent show housed a couch full of coaches ready to sell their goods to job seekers et al. I suppose you will be able to draw your own conclusions. And that picture will look a lot like a sea of stick figures standing in lines, filling out applications, or sleeping on sofas while
The Guiding Light drones in the background and fades into syndication.
Do we,
as keepers of knowledge and seekers of men/women, owe a certain amount of give back/charity to the jobless? To the huddled masses tired of their current grip of reality? What about our own grip? Doesn't
charity begin at home?
Do you believe in fate? Do you believe in karma?
Each of us faces our own grim freedom at one point or another.
Does the
man in the mirror look back at you or is he too ashamed?

by rayannethorn