Have you developed guideline for the usage of social networks in recruiting new employees? How to deal with (personal) information you can find?

As more and more people get connected and start to understand the wealth of information available it as well poses a risk for HR/Recruiting: more and more managers (and recruiters) start to search for information on social networks like Linked and Facebook about candidates and/or hires. 

You can imagine that once in a while they find information that they may not like which could lead to a negative view of the candidate or hire. While there is nothing illegal of course as all this information is publicly available it does pose a ethical question. 

Now, this question is certainly not new and I'm sure we can debate hours on end but my real question is: have you actually developed guidelines for managers/recruiters on how to deal with the information they find or perhaps even strongly suggesting they don't search for information on Facebook for instance?

Looking forward hearing your thoughts

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