I am looking to hire some recruiters/resourcers- they will be only recruiting candidates- they will be given jobs to find candidates for however we can pay them on a commission only basis right now. (This might change in the future.)

I have only done full desk recruiting so I have a lot of questions on how it would work to hire just recruiters/resourcers. 

1. What percentage would you think is fair?
2. Also, how do you handle ownership of candidates? For example, what if the person who picks up the job has a candidate in mind, but needs the recruiter to find a couple more candidates. The recruiter does a substantial amount of work, but the original candidate gets the job? How do you compensate for this?

3. How does it work if a recruiter has a candidate that is a fit for another recruiters job?

4. Where do you usually find people to hire? (I know, ironic question from a recruiter)

5. Do you look for people with the right personality to train or look for people with a prior recruiting background? In your opinion is it easier to train someone in the business, or find someone int he business and re-teach them a new market and how your business works. 

6. How does it work if a recruiter/resourcer picks up a job to work? how should they be compensated even though it is not their primary responsibility?

Any thoughts would be excellent.

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anyone out there?? 

I just read your message, are you still looking for recruiter/sourcers?  In answer to your questions


1.  Percentage  30%

2.  I maintain my own candidates I hold onto all contact information, I have the candidates that I speak sign a statement with me in terms of getting them placed, this statement is called "A Right to Represent".  Personal information will not be provided until a hire is made, any requests for interviews will have to come through me -- once the client has indicated their interest to hire and an offer letter has been generated and signed by client, personal information will be released


regarding the 2nd part of your question: I screen the candidates, I qualify them against the job order I only submit 98% I submit for results.  as mentioned in item #1 if hired I am looking at 30%

3.  You would share in this instance.  The job is at what percentage?  The  recruiter would inform you of their percentage for that candidate so since my commission fee structure is 30% if I have the candidate and you have the job and you want one of my candidates then my fee for my candidate would be 15% which I think is fair

4.  major boards of course, social networking, job fairs, blogs, and through the candidates that I have placed for referrals

5. I like the fact of re-teaching someone, if you have been doing something for a great number of years, its kind of hard to get them to change how they do things as oppose to having someone with less exp. or no exp.

6. this would pretty much for me be the same as item #3


Very seldom do I read these so feel free to email me at etorry302@comcast.net

I am missing something?  are these people your employees ?  work out of the office and you control their work?

If so they must receive at least minimum wage for their time   You run a great risk of running afowl of you state DOL with fines and penalties. if they are independent business's then they would be presenting you with a proposition of the terms they work under.

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