I find it incredibly interesting that still today stories like this are going viral online. I guess I can attribute that to me being part of the business and not finding this outrageous. 

Good for this kid, although if I were a betting man I would say he sent this as a snarky joke to cause a stir. Even if he did, is that wrong?

Has anyone ever received something like this?

The cover letter and the response chain is below.

I think the response the employees use in the email referring to the applicant as "Kid" speaks to the mentality of hiring teams at large.



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I love it. I just wish he hadn't apologized for the blunt nature of his letter. NO APOLOGIES! Good for him. I liked it.

I thought it was a great letter too, well written with good humor. I didn't see it as snarky, more as witty! Bet he'll have his pick of offers.

I still read cover letters and this one made me laugh. I would have talked to him.

I am a firm believer that cover letters tell a great story and can help a bad resume get through the system.

I was just about to write a blog post about this ... .Ryan you beat me to it ...  But think about it .. What does it say to the HR Corporate mindset that this letter had it been directed to the HR the department it might not have gotten the time of day.  As supposed to a Decision maker ...  Who would read past it's assumed absurdity and recognize someone original and worthy of a conversation behind the words  ... 

And that's the difference between "old school HR" mentality and recruiters... I'm a corporate recruiter and I would have called him immediately.
Paul Alfred said:

I was just about to write a blog post about this ... .Ryan you beat me to it ...  But think about it .. What does it say to the HR Corporate mindset that this letter had it been directed to the HR the department it might not have gotten the time of day.  As supposed to a Decision maker ...  Who would read past it's assumed absurdity and recognize someone original and worthy of a conversation behind the words  ... 

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