Hi!  So I read an article on Hacker News about a guy that started a website for older IT professionals to find jobs that did not age discriminate.  This guy experienced this dilemma first hand and wanted to help others who might be having the same problem.  The site has had much success.

While on a recent job search in the Accounting and Finance world I could not believe how many corporate jobs required a CPA license.  There is no correlation of success between CPA's and Non-CPA's.  I have over 10+ years experience as a Controller and CFO without a CPA license.  To be honest my experience in hiring CPA's especially from public accounting has not been good.  I would much rather have a Non-CPA with more relevant experience than a CPA with less work experience. 

During this recent job search I felt I had a similar dilemma as the Hacker News guy and wanted to help others who might be facing the same frustration.  I started a job site called http://www.nocparequiredjobs.com.  

Let me know what you think?

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