Inhouse Recruiters: Requisition still open...even after qualified candidates

I have a very hard to please hiring manager. Their requisition have been open for quite awhile and she refuses to consider qualified candidates because they are looking for the "purple squirrel". The elusive perfect candidate. I have talked to her several times and explained that she cannot require something that has not been determined to be a BFOQ - but still, no hire.

The other issue is hiring managers that don't have an urgent need to fill a position, and won't return our phone calls or emails to get an update on the position.

Obviously, these kinds of issues have an organization-wide impact as we continue to post and spend time recruiting for positions that hiring manager's aren't in a hurry to fill.

Does anyone have a policy, guideline, process, etc. that explains that a requisition will be closed without a hire and will need to be approved if posted again, if the hiring manager is passing up qualified candidates? This sounds bureaucratic which isn't my intent but its also not ok for a hiring manager to potentially put us in hot water because they decide they want something that isn't a BFOQ.

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