Hello all,
I've been meeting with a recruiting company (they work primarily with healthcare and medical clients) here in Ventura CA called System1 search (they have offices in Ventura and Sacramento). I have never done this and I'm a people-person and love to work with teams, and I'm still gathering data on this.
Not a huge fan of the phone so that will be a definite adjustment. Also it's like a communal space, so there's no privacy when you're on the phone that I can tell.
Is there anyone that has heard of System1 Search in Ventura? Do they have a reputation? I'd love to get some advice both on the business and this particular company.
Andres - have you ever sold a product before? If so - was it difficult? And if so - giving the difficulty of having sold the item - did you ever have the product then decide at the last minute that in fact it never agreed to being sold?
This whole thing is sales inside and out. I urge you to look at this as nothing other than a sales job where you will be paying dues for many years to come. It's tough. Much tougher if you're not a natural sales person. Only you know whether you are or not.
Among your friends are you the "always goes along" type? Or are you the leader? Example: If you're going to a movie - could you persuade the group to watch the one you'd like to see even though everyone else wants to see something else?
Yes, I am the leader in my groups.
Since I was a child people have told me I have the gift of gab and should go in sales.
The question becomes, do I want to be tied to a desk all day and the phone. And can I make it past the hump with a baby on the way and virtually no insurance and using my savings to live on while I build the business.
Jerry Albright said:
Andres - have you ever sold a product before? If so - was it difficult? And if so - giving the difficulty of having sold the item - did you ever have the product then decide at the last minute that in fact it never agreed to being sold?
This whole thing is sales inside and out. I urge you to look at this as nothing other than a sales job where you will be paying dues for many years to come. It's tough. Much tougher if you're not a natural sales person. Only you know whether you are or not.
Among your friends are you the "always goes along" type? Or are you the leader? Example: If you're going to a movie - could you persuade the group to watch the one you'd like to see even though everyone else wants to see something else?
Andres, as a former sales manager and current owner, I can tell you 100% that those who are reluctant to be on the phone for most of the day eventually get out or are put out. I came into recruiting when the company I worked for 18 years shut all their offices in 2009. I was lucky that my husband owns this recruiting agency and that we have been able to make it support us. I do like it, but I don't think I ever would have ended up here if my former compnay hadn't gone out of business in the U.S.
It is a hard and stressful job to be on the phone selling. And that's if you like it. If you don't like it, it is hell.
I think with most jobs, money has to be the main motive. If you don't earn enough to survive on, then what you "love" to do in a moot point.
I wish someone had insight to the company you're talking with, but I've not heard of them so can't offer any opinion.
Thanks Amber! I appreciate you taking time out of your day to reply to this. I am definitely using all of this data to make my decision.
If you take this job the only reason you should take is to have the connections to call into companies looking for a new job for yourself. A lot of people do that albeit it is not the most ethical thing to do but it's done everyday.
If you were my kid or brother or friend who said to me the things you have said here i would tell you under no circumstances should you take this job. Here is another thought. They want you because of your educational background and experience because molecular techs and scientists are hard to find and they think you will be able to talk the talk.and have connections outside of your current company. I have seen that idea fail more times than it succeeds because when one scientist is talking to another and they disagree about what is needed it becomes an argument based on scientific knowledge as opposed to what the client wants and will hire and not what you believe they need. And how are you going to feel about it when the lab director or geneticist who is the hiring manager won't talk to you and refers to HR. Insulted , i might guess as you would consider yourself a colleague when they will many times consider you a failed scientist turned recruiter.
If you decide to do it, i wish you the very best but my advice is go back it's a trick.
I would put my 2 cents in here. Recruiting has many wonderful moments. If you are willing to push forward you can make a great career. Look for a company that gives some kind of base - 30k is not unheard of for a first year recruiter. Then look at the commission upside potential: ie do you get residual income based on a certain percentage of the GM - that is gross margin $$ or do you get a straight fee cut % if direct hire.
My advice is - find a company willing to give you a shot, and go with some bigger players - I would recommend: Staffmark, Adecco, ManPower, to name a few. Look up the American Staffing Association chapter for your area.
I would not give up a chance at recruiting if that is what your heart desires, if you wait a bit longer to find the right work environment with the right compensation structure - (there are many of those) then you can find your way and make a great career and living in recruiting.
Best of Luck to you whatever road you decide. I would say it sounds like you have the desire and potential. Folks can learn this business with the gumption to do so.
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