I always wondered if a Headhunter with a christian or any other faith background find themselves questioning their morals when pursuing a high profile candidate using unethical headhunting techniques like 'lying through their teeth' when getting past the gatekeeper and then subsequently probing the company until you find your target?

What are your thoughts...is headhunting ethical?

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.......................did I just hear a pin drop?
Tony, it's deja vu all over again! This didn't start here - it is also a very old ERE thread, older than Gino, Jennifer and Becky.

Anthony Haley said:
Is it safe in here yet? Has it finally ended? Has the goldfish finally jumped out the bowl?
Can we all start reading it again safe in the knowledge that we can all do what we like without being told how to do everything?
Halle - bloody - luiah.

Love the cartoon Steve.
It looks like it'll be a nice day here in Indiana. Not too humid. 75 is the projected high.

Do you guys watch Dancing With the Stars? I've never seen it but it's hugely popular.
I really miss "24"; thank goodness there's still "Two and a Half Men" and "Dirty Jobs."
"You know how I love to ride around the park", especially in my tiny little country that is so small that if it got into a war with Rhode Island, RI would kick it's butt....oh look a bird just flew by my window, what a pretty bird, sigh!
(Erethizon dorsatum)

Description: Porcupines are also called “quill pigs”. They are short, fat, and covered with as many as 30,000 spiny quills. Balloons probably aren’t a good idea for a baby porcupine’s birthday party!

Habitat: They live in the deciduous and coniferous forests of North America and Canada. They are more common in the north. Porcupines often live in trees (the technical term would be arboreal).

Diet: Porcupines are herbivores; that means that they eat plants. In fact, porcupines eat a variety trees, shrubs and other plants. In the winter they will eat the inner bark of trees. Their favorites are hemlock.

Reproduction: Females maintain a territory, and defend it against other females; however male territories typically overlap those of several females. The territories of dominant males rarely overlap. Breeding occurs in October and November. Gestation in this species is 210 days, after which a female gives birth to a single offspring. Newborns weigh between 400 and 530 g. Young are nursed for about 127 days. They become independent of their mothers at approximately 5 months of age, but are not sexual mature until the age of 25 months for females, and 29 months for males. Porcupines are relatively long-lived animals that can live up to 18 years in the wild.


Contrary to popular myth, porcupines cannot shoot their quills.

Porcupine quills are hollow and have spines on the end that make them hard to pull out. If you cut them in half, they are much easier to pull out.

The name “porcupine” means “one who rises up in anger!”
Just texted my Customer Service Lead asking how her doctor's visit went and here is her exact reply:

Having baby.....in hospital in labor and delivery...

I think she may have earned the employee of the month parking spot
LOL! This was by far the most interestingly diverse thread I have read.....I got a full dose! From the religious aspect, the "trial by jury," all the way to the plumber's butt.......

All I can say is........WOW!
Oops...My bad! Let's pretend that didn't just happen! (I flash my "men in black pen" so we all forget...)

Sandra McCartt said:
Oh no, no, no, no!!! you don't understand, this thread is dead. We killed it. You have resurrected the living dead, pox upon your guppies. :)
Ouch! ;)
Remember Night of the Living??? This is recruiting's version.
I figured that out....Oh, well! Time to face the heat I guess......LOL

P.S., maybe...just maybe, if no one else replies, nothing will arise from the grave.....(crossing fingers..)

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