Jobs for Westerners in Serbia - Any recruiters specializing?

As a well-known American executive who is the wife of a Serb, I'm frequently contacted by other spouses and/or grown children of Serbs - usually people from the US, Canada, the UK, Australia, and sometimes India - who have moved to Serbia and now need jobs. Many of these people are highly educated and experienced in the Western business world -- exactly what most Serbian companies desperately need to expand beyond their borders. But I have not been able to find any recruiter or HR center to refer to them to, and cannot help them myself as I'm not in hiring mode. In theory, the Serb government supposedly can help them; in practice this is a no go. It's a perfect situation for someone who wants to start a recruiting firm. If you have done this in a Central or Eastern European country or you have connections in Serbia, please do post a reply!

Note: I'm not seeking a position myself - I'm enjoying taking some time off after selling my last company.

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Hi Anne,

I have connections in said area. If you could let me know more about the skills which you are trying to market than I can help you out in most effective manner OR can guide you how to market those people in Serbia.


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