I read an article from some time ago by Malcolm Gladwell entitled "The Ketchup Conundrum" It discussed how Heinz Ketchup is able to maintain its industry lead by being the perfect accompanying flavor to many of our favorite foods. Like many things I have read lately, the piece got me thinking about its appliability to the recruiting and search industry.

It is stated that Heinz has equal portions of our 5 senses of taste, which are: sweet and sour and salty and bitter and umami. So my question is, what would the perfect characteristic blend be for the "Ketchup of Recruiters?"

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Nice question Chris... all I can think of though is that you sometimes need to whack them hard on the bottom to get them to start working :)
Or better yet, you put them in a plastic squeeze bottle, in a device so simple that a child can manage it. Now, there's irony.

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