LinkedIn makes everyone feel great with the 1% email....You've been made...

It's clever, I have to admit. It's generated a ton of activity online, specifically across the other big social  networks. So how did they hijack the trending threads?

Sending out of 10,000,000 (literally) emails telling you that you are a top viewed profile... 

I understand that it's marketing and it's clever but with all of the LinkedIn pricing issues in the news recently how do you feel that you are truly a number to them?

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Let's do the math... over 200 Million members... Top 1%... it looks like I have the "Unique" distinction of being one of the 2 Million most seen profiles. Wow! I'm in such great company... what an honor! (I can finally retire happy now)

Meh. I just got mine today (1%-er, of course lol) and probably would have been more excited if I wasn't literally the LAST PERSON in my little circle of friends to receive it.

I understand the marketing but for some reason it just makes me a little less of a fan.

I got mine Friday and thought I was special until literally everybody I know got the same thing.  I didn't even know they had 5% or 10% until yesterday.  Meh.  Right Amy.  

I kind of ended up feeling sorry for the first few people I saw - so proudly displaying their BS award.  It made me feel sad for them. 


I got mine last week after quite a few people had already been putting the posts on their LI updates, on Twitter, etc. and was glad I didn't get mine sooner. I think it made some people feel foolish for being excited and posting anything when it turned out most people got the same "special status". Plus, I assume what LI shows me as to who views my profile is accurate and find it hard to believe that someone with the amount of views I normally get would be in any top viewed profile ranking. AND then I guess I feel bad that most other people I know got to be in the top 1% and I was only 5% - WTH? I didn't even rank on top of a BS ranking. Oh yeah, and my Klout score is probably like 32 - I'm not sure because I haven't checked in a while.

This just in:  I still have not received my award.  Maybe that's why I'm rejecting the whole idea?  If I didn't get one - then it's a lame idea.  Now if it turns out I do - then I reserve the right to modify my view here.....

I figured it was the only time I could call myself a 1%er, I have to give credit to my Dog Bert.... he definitely pads the views stats!

Hey Jerry, don't all those worthless LinkedIn "Endorsements" from people you have never worked with make up for not receiving your Top 1% notification yet?

I truly feel special because I received mine before Amy Ala received hers!  Ha!

You're right on the money Larry.  I guess I should be happy with all the fake credit I've received so far and not complain.  :)


Jerry... lol! Fake credit is better than no credit...

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