Hello Recruiting Community,


Our Company, Vitaver & Associates, is currently looking for a Recruiter Trainer to train our team of recruiters in Ukraine (all of our recruiters have previous recruiting experience on the US market for 1-4 years). 


We want to contract that person for one month preparing a curriculum and then delivering a week of class in Ukraine, and for 2 more months after that doing ‘maintenance’, reinforcement, answering questions, monitoring phone calls one-on-one and compiling the recruiter’s manual.  Total: 3 months fulltime, and then some hours here and there.


3 Months later, a new visit to Ukraine for a week, and 3 weeks of follow-up, listening to calls, etc.  That is one more month.


Is anyone interested? Or maybe you can recommend someone? All your leads are highly appreciated!

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Jim, the compensation package will be discussed with our management team and CEO. Unfortunately I can't give any concrete numbers at this point.

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