Curious if anyone out there has taken training courses with Lou Adler and if they made an impact in your bottom line income.


I have been on some of the free webinars? Have others partiicpated as well?


One additional issue - he is always pushing the use of "Linkedin Recruiter".  Is anyone else a bit concerned that it's not a fully objective recommendation?

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HI Chuck, Lou has some very good training.  I think some of it depends on your experience level.  Check out, our sister site, for a lot of free stuff.  Let me know what you think...

I have taken Lou's online recruiter bootcamp and I must say...I'm very glad I did!! There have been some big changes in the way I recruit now and my approach.  I personally havent done any of his other courses but I know a lot of people who have done his management courses and recruiter bootcamp...they sing his praises as well.

I'm taking his recruiter bootcamp now and have two more modules left.  Great material and worth every penny so far.  I use LinkedIn Recruiter at work and I have to say, if I ever went to work for another company they would have to provide this tool.  If they didn't I would consider it a deal breaker!  

You get out of it what you put into it though.

Thanks.   Have you ever used Linkedin Talent FInder? 

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