I apologize for the immense amount of love spam last night. Every day it gets a little more crazy here because of the simple fact it's growing so more and more people figure it's a good place to sell stuff (non recruiting stuff that is). If we were not moderating blog posts, every morning we would wake up to some pretty crazy stuff.

Maren, Miles, and I are trying our best to keep RecruitingBlogs.com focused and I think we are doing a good job of it but sometimes things slip through and it mostly happens when most of us on the East Coast are sleeping.

So, if you got hit last night with some invitations for love, we are sorry. I think we have removed it all.

Have a great day.

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I love you,
What's wrong with love?

Now I feel bad that i didn't get any love.. :( not even the spammers love me.

i'm gunna go eat worms!

All you need is love

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