All communities, publications and organizations recap the year  as it draws to a close.  I was thinking today of the many informative, funny, furious and just plain fun things,  people, blogs and discussions that go on at Recruitingblogs.  The connections, i've made, laughs i've had, battles i've fought and things i've learned here mean a great deal.  I would like to mention a few and hope you will join in with yours.  It's almost impossible to mention everybody who has impacted my world but here are a few.


PETER CECCARELLI - Recruiter and now HR Director for Online Shoes based in Seattle.  I once suggested to Peter, when we first interacted that he refrain from being such a "prig" based on something he had just written.  Peter is a very smart, class act, accomplished writer and artist.  I thought he would probably nail me to the wall, take the meat off my sandwich and shove it in my ear.  HIs fav saying on here is, "Why is that relevant?"

He responded by saying that his mother once told him never to argue with a woman wearing fur.  Whewww, our friendship blossomed and continues.  I mention Peter first because i got a heartbreaking email from him this morning.  He returned from Europe just in time to spend five minutes with his wonderful Malamute  rescue dog "Cody" before Cody licked his hand and crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  It's always hard to lose an "innocent" that we love.  You are in my heart today Peter.  I know Cody is playing in the grass where it's always warm with two black horses named Gifford P. McNasty and Sir Spats Domino , Tom Chuna's beloved Cole who left us last Christmas, Steve Levy's cat "Stinky", Martin Snyder's wonderful Millie and the many others who are so much a part of the lives of all of us.  Without the companionship of the animals we love this business might drive us over the edge.  They don't care if we made a placement or not.


THOMAS PATRICK CHUNA - PATRICK INTERNATIONAL - Independent Recruiter, Outplacement Consultant, and the guy who, i promise you, can find anything.  In his world there is no purple squirrel, they seem to follow him home like the pied piper of recruiting when he never looked for one before and has not a clue what they do or should do.  He just finds them.  He is an accomplished writer, sweetheart of a guy and does the best candidate prep i have ever heard.  He gave me a phrase that has been included in every candidate prep since he first sent it to me. 


 "Remember that an interview is really a business meeting between two professional people. Handle your interview in that manner and it will go well."

How easy is that and how very true.


Tom is to be remembered also for coming up with the term "Moonbat" referring to one blogger and  some notable candidates that we have all encountered.  Tom is like a Timex, and a tippecup rolled into one.  Knock him over and he rolls back up and keeps on ticking.  Thanks for all you do Tom and your friendship, it's about our turn to hit a big one.  You are my hero and my pal.


Dr. MICHAEL KALCHMAN , PhD.- Cortex Search - Canada.  This sexy scientist/recruiter is so smart that it's an education to speak with him.  I came up with some scientific searchs where help was needed in the worst way.  Called him and started rattling off what my client needed.  Of course it didn't make any sense to Michael because my notes had been taken by yours truly who cheated her way through one year of chemistry and has gleaned most of her scientific knowledge from watching CSI.  He finally said, "McCartt do you have any idea what you are talking about?"  If nothing else i do know there are some things i can't bullshit my way through so my response was, "Hell no, why do you think i called you Dr. Kalchman."  He has been patient, made a trip all the way to Phoenix to impress my client that i even knew a PhD.  We have come very close on a couple, no bingo yet but my ability to understand what my scientific clients want has expanded 110% due to Michael's patient teaching.  So he calls me "Nurse Rachett", so what, i adore him and treasure his friendship.  Even though he says the only reason he tolerates me is because he likes my cute accent.  Sheeit, all a y'all everybody has to have something to offer.


Michael is to be remembered for a post he slapped up kevetching about the process with a client who had just hired someone from he and a partner.  He unfortunately discovered that it's a lot smaller world than he thought.  He was mortified, called me with one of those, Oh my God you will not believe what i have so stupidly done.   The brilliant Dr. K gave me one of those laughs that we all get when something someone else does reminds us of the worst time in the history of recruiting when the wrong person got the wrong email.  Suicide by email and post as it were.  May the McAbees flee from your brillance this holiday season Dr. K.  you are sunshine from Canada.



Sharp, funny, business savvy, personality plus.  Ex IBMer, computer geek turned recruiter just a few short years ago.  He handles himself  like a seasoned pro, writes like William F. Buckley with a sense of humor.  We have debated, passive candidates, social media, personal vs professional profiles and about everything else one can think of.  I'm old enough to his grandmother, if i had to compete with him on a search i would come early and stay late just to be sure i could stay up.  If i lived in Canada i would beg him for a job with his group so i knew i could play with the big kids.  This one is one to watch.  He's going places my thinks, big time.


If you have not read his latest blog "Social Media Talk Radio" do it now.  His blog last week "On the trail for  Qualified Candidates is one of the very best i have read all year.



Rayanne interviewed me when i was a newbie on RBC.  We laughed most of the way through the interview.  Rayanne is like Rebecca of Sunnybrook farm but don't for one minute think that she doesn't have a buzzsaw concealed under those daisys.


SHERRY JUNKER - Who wrote the now infamous Blog entitled "I'm a Recruiting Whore..and I love it."  Haven't seen muxch of Sherry lately but she was great to send me a whole spreadsheet of docs that she researched for me.  From one old recruiting whore to another.  You are trip Sherry.  Thanks for your candor and friendship.


PAMELA TOWAN deFORCE - LEGAL RECRUITER - California.  -  Pamela and i connected several months ago.  Had a love fest telling each other that neither of us looked even half our age.  Only a female recruiter will tell her real age.


Pamela's memorable comment - Hire a teenager while they still know everything.  Still laughing Pamela, you still don't look a day over 40.  :)


JERRY ALBRIGHT-  I've already said most of it but Jerry's most memorable quotes.  NOT THIS AGAIN!!!!  and Last but never least.  NICE AD.!!!!!



Albright and i beat the stuffing out of Mark for not opening up comments.  He is nobody's dummy.  He opened them up got a ton of comments and loved it when i told him he was real "mench" and that came from a "Sabra".  A Sabra is a female Isralei soldier and also a cactus that is native to Israel.  It's sweet on the inside and thorny on the outside.  There is also a liquor by the same name that bears tasting if you have never tried it.  Mark did however disappear to Turkey in the middle of all that.  He said it was a vacation.  That took Jer and i down a peg on the power scale.


HEIDI Burkley - Principal - Exalt Hiring Solutions - Chicago

Classy, smart, communicates far above the skills of most of us strugging to say something intelligent.  She just opens her mouth or types as the case may be and intelligent just flows.  She is all about relationships.  Out of the blue you may receive an email from her with a nice compliment about something you said somewhere and how much she appreciates you.  Her mama raised a great lady.


So many others that mean so much to me.  Steve, Maureen, Ambrish , Dan , Becky, James, Heather.   From all over the world you have laughed at my outrageous sense of humor (even the one about the heat in Texas and the fried cat in the backseat), taught me so much, expanded my world and my ability.  Happy Holidays ,you brighten my life. If i didn't mention your name it's because this could go on forever, it's cold, i got out the life size Santa Clauses (four of them), my giant Pyrenes Mountain Dog who weighs in at 150 lubs is terrified and just wet on the carpet.  Proving once again that all good things can get peed on if they go on too long.  :)


JASON DAVIS - MILES, MAREN - RBC  Thank you for your hard work to provide a great spot in the world of recruiting.  Maren's most memorable quote to me.

"Sandra, you can not call Josh a Jerkweed".  My response, "oK, Maren, but hell, understand that in my world, that's a term of endearment. 


That's Texas Talkin', from the third cottonwood tree , 2miles S. W. of Jackass Flats, USA America.  If you have memories of memorable members and mentions share them, tis the season!   Let's go sell something this week.!



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You're too Kind Sandra, to be mentioned here in your Forum I am Flattered ... I look forward to many more meaningful debates( heated too), exchanges and sharing to come .,..
Happy Holidays ..
Wow, thank you Sandra.. I am very are a friend and a hero to me as well.

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