I am curious to see how many recruiters out there are using Microsoft OneNote to keep job reqs all in one place with addresses, notes, phone numbers, etc. Makes my life a lot easier.

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HI Brandon

I have never used OneNote, but I have it sitting in a nice shiny package next to my computer.

Does is work well for searching through a large volume of various resumes?  or work with Boolean?

I have a bunch of resumes in gmail, and still stuffed in an old ATS that I need to migrate from, and I want to keep and search my own set of accumulated resumes without a stiff  monthly subscription.  Should I break it out for this purpose?

I am surprised nobody commented on your post - let me know if it is still your solution of choice.


Thanks much,



Hello Valerie,

I typically use it for Open Requirements, client information and do section off resumes for specific skills. We also do a share for the team, much easier than SharePoint. It does a simple search w/ keywords but isn't as Boolean friendly as I would like. If I were a solo operator or wanted to keep resumes, it is certainly an easy way to do so. You can sync with Skydrive as well for your phone or cloud use.

You can play w/ it and see if it meets your needs since it's a free tool. There are also some Webinars on the MS office site if you want to learn more ---- > http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/support/microsoft-onenote-trainin...

Let me know how it goes.


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