OK - I know I can't be the only vampire loving recruiter out there. I had a date w/. my DVR and finally got caught up with this season. I was ready to punch out after first two episodes, but they tease you enough to keep you around. All and all a decent season- much better then the previous. Still not great. I feel they just need to tighten up some of these smaller story lines and focus in on what works- the Vamps. In saying that...Pam Rules!


So are there any other RBC Vampire fans? What was your take?



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I can't get over how 'pretty' that Edward figure is....hahahahahah. This video was great Tino- thank you for sharing! Yes, not much in blood lust entertainment that I don't check out.
Folks don't find recruiting funny like you and me? I love that group and am so happy Steve Levy created it. It is a welcome departure at times from when things get to serious at the desk. As for your question in general about groups? With the exception of a few- they are all relatively quiet. They are created w/. common interests/niches shared by RBC members. Joining is cool and all, but for a group to work there needs to be some engagement. That comes down to all members of said group. Not worried with the Recruitment Humor Group - You and I will keep it chugging along one chuckle at a time.

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