"Much good work is lost for the lack of a little more." ~Edward H. Harriman

My mom recently sent an email out to our family that I would like to share with you...
"Every morning on my walk, a little red V.W. rolls by me filled with newspapers. Behind the wheel sits a woman dressed in shorts, a t-shirt and a baseball cap. Her eyes are on her work. As she drives down the road, she skillfully throws newspapers through the front-seat windows, both sides. To my amazement, every paper lands right smack in the middle of the recipient's driveway. The little V.W. zigzags from the right, to the left and the papers fly out. In all this activity, she still has time to wave to me. Even more incredible - on the weekend (as the papers are bigger) she drives a big black pick-up truck. Down the road she comes, the truck brimming with papers and her zigzag routine. It would be a delight for you to see. She is truly an example of how to do your job. She needs to conduct an in-service. I admire her work ethics."

When I first read this little story, I agreed with my mom. This woman truly shows good work ethic. But shouldn't this always be the case? Isn't she merely doing her job? She is fulfilling her job description. Her job is to deliver the paper, which she is doing. Shouldn't that be the case? Shouldn't we all be fulfilling our job description, completing our assigned duties? It isn't as if she is going the extra mile or doing something more than she is supposed to. She is doing her job.

I think it is a little sad that we admire someone or gain an inordinate amount of respect for someone because they merely do their job. What does that say about the average newspaper delivery person in my mom's neighborhood or yours? Should extra notice be given to someone that does their job? Granted the lady in the little red bug did her job well..., it is an interesting question.

Of course, everyone likes to get a pat on the back every once in a while and a thank you for a job well done. How well do you do your job? Are you happy to zigzag your way through your day, sometimes missing a driveway or do you hit it straight on, no matter the weight of your work or how far you have to go to get it there?
Perhaps you just show up. I wonder what they say about you.

by rayannethorn


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Sandra, you female, male chauvinist pig you.
Unfortunately, I have to admit, your statements carry merit and I share some of your sentiment.
I hate to say that but it's the truth. I just hate to say it.
By the way Peter, I don't think it would end in a stalemate.
I hesitate to wink 'cause Sarah Palin's ruined that emotive for many of us.
Oh, hell, here goes anyway.
Oh, and one more thing. Don't EVER tell me you have your period. I don't care.
Okay I see the gauntlet's thrown. We'll see where THIS one goes.
Oh, here I go again.
I have the perfect response to why women have issues when they manage to get themselves in a position of power and then screw up and this the reason.....EMOTIONS!!! Being a female myself, I have realized that emotions is what gets the best of us in any given situation. It's a well known fact that most women work from emotion and most men work from logic. What us women need to do....and I hate to sound so brash...is strap on a pair and use our brains without all the emotion. Be passionate about what you do and strive to do your best, BUT don't allow yourself to get drowned out by petty drama. I too would rather work with men then women, just for the simple fact that I HATE all the petty...jealous...backbiting that goes on. LADIES!!! there's no need for this...there's room for us all in this world and if we just put aside our EMOTIONS, we would ALL be incredible in whatever we put our efforts into. Rayanne....I think your Mom is an insightful person....I've had the pleasure of doing the "Home" job and going out into the real world and making a living and both are unique and rewarding in their own way....as well as difficult. We....both Men and Women....need the recognition every once in awhile of not only going beyond just "Doing Our Job", but also for doing the job we were hired to do. It's what motivates us to keep pushing forward to be succesful. I know that when someone has given me kudos, it reinforces the positive attitude I am so desperately trying to keep in this not so positive world we live in. To everyone out there....try giving someone you work with recognition, you might just get a positive response. :)

Sandra McCartt said:
As there seems to be an agreement here that discrimination exists in various sectors i'll throw in another little zinger to play with. Why is it that a lot of women when they reach a position of lofty height, manage to make idiots of themselves.

Take Sarah Palin for instance, in my opinion she has managed to set women back about 100 years with her performance on the national stage. How many of us would be tapped to run for vice president and wink our way through a national debate. Lash out at the media when we become a public figure and not be able to answer a question about what we read. Then resign an elected office due to being under attack for ethics violations, frivolous or not. How long does anybody think it will be before Alasaka elects another hockey mom as their governor? Thanks a lot Sarah, you had a lot going for you, sure didn't make us too proud of the second female every selected to run for vice president.

How many women work harder to get to the top then blow it acting like a sterotypical airhead or a brass balled bitch when they get there. I have seen a bunch on all levels of management. Prime example over on Claudia's Wisdom post of the lady who got the promotion then became a micro manager. Do men do the same thing, probably ,but in my experience, not as much as women do. Over and over i hear from women candidates. "I do not want to work for another female boss, i would rather work in an office full of men who smell like goats than an office full of petty, gossipy women".

So rather than "Women dont' get an equal chance" how about, how come it is that women blow it when they get it more often than men? Maybe that is why there are more men in management positions than women. I don't think i have ever heard of a man in the bathroom crying about something at work but i have sure seen and heard a bunch of the fairer sex bawling in the ladies room because somebody was "mean" to them.

I have been accused of being a female, male chauvinist pig, which developed along with my early determination to place female professionals only to have most of them quit after a year or two to stay home with babies or because their husband didn't want them to travel or they didn't like the overtime. Men dont' seem to think they have that option as much as women. Gen X and Y, not so much, couples are sharing the baby bit.and women are not playing the mommy or the my husband says or doesn't want me too, card as much. So maybe we have come a long way baby and a bunch of it could be our own fault that we haven't come more miles.

I would rather work in a bull pen full of men myself. Their gossip is a lot more interesting than a room full of cats hissing at each other. :)

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