It's December, and holidays are upon us.  Is it easier or more difficult to make placements during this period?

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Its quite difficult to get any numbers this time unless client is in dire need of the same. Most of the client are enjoying their year end power down during this time frame.

Somehow I have put more numbers on the book in the past 2 week than any 2 week period this year.  :)

It's more difficult in the sense that hiring managers are more desperate to get those year end fills (keep their headcount, train before 2013) but candidates don't seem to get this message and fall off the radar thinking no one hires during the holidays. It's been that way as long as I can remember. :)

I think that it is what you think it is. We are closing in our office, and we are always busy in December. It's all in your perception. In recruiting, bad and good business cycles are basically up to you. 

I placed a candidate last week; one yesterday and will place another one today. December isn't normally good to me...but this year has been great. Have had to work harder to get them closed, but thats all part of the fun. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!


December is typically one of our strongest months in terms of placement dollars (recognized at acceptance of offer).  I believe this is because clients feel the mental deadline of year-end and want to get things wrapped up before the holidays for an early January start date. 

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