A New Year's Resolution that has paid dividends already: Instead of answering an email with an email, pick up the phone. I typically don't make resolutions or predictions but this year is a bit different. I have goals that seem bigger than dreams. And high hopes - high apple pie, in the sky hopes. Moving mountains will do that to you. 

To make predictions is silly, for we want to predict grand and wonderful things - when the truth of the matter is that grand and wonderful things will come much later, not when recovery is just peaking around the corner. But the drive to that corner is filled with adventure and learning. And of course, a back step or two. Every day I learn something new about business, the recruiting industry and social media and I have made it my goal to pass that information along to current and former clients, friends and family. It is part of my transparency trip. 

My only prediction (it's not really a prediction) for 2010 is that "community" will continue to be an important part of recruiting. And not just the recruiting industry but throughout the business world, we will continue to make connections that can potentially make a difference to our businesses and to our lives: social media has created this lovely monster. Relationships are easier to maintain now than ever before. Targeted marketing ensures the opportunity to reach our desired audience. 

We have created pods of influence that we turn to for work, assistance, education, entertainment, nostalgia, friendship and love/family. These pods are easily accessible now through facebook, twitter, email, chat/IM/text, mobile devices, and, to a less social degree, LinkedIn. Multiple venues and forums with the purposes of connecting people and information sharing. I could never have imagined this world ten years ago. 

In the last week, I have connected with several individuals that I haven't seen in twenty odd years. One person I had only met once thirty years ago but we are now doing business: the magic of social media. That is what I mean by community, by a pod. We have a unique opportunity to share information and conduct business with people we know or can now get to know. It is incredible to me to think of where the next ten years of rapid innovation and technology will take us. I think I better install a seatbelt on my office chair... 

© by rayannethorn

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