Question: Candidates that have interviewed at the company before

I have never come across this before but I have a candidate that interviewed at the same company 2 years ago for a totally different position.  

The first time they interviewed they made it to the reference check but an offer was never made.  Now they have had a phone screening and are scheduled for a formal interview (its actually a separate department too, so the people involved in the process at the company are different as well). 

Should I tell the client and if so when? 

My contract should allow me to get the fee.  But I want to make sure my candidate feels comfortable through the process and want to to be upfront with my client.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated!

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I think you should mention it to your client as soon as you know about it. It does happen, and if the candidate is a good fit for this job, it won't matter. But it probably would matter if and when it eventually becomes known, and neither you nor your candidate ever said anything. The client might already be aware, do you have any indication that they definitely have no idea?

Thanks Amber and i'm definitely leaning toward letting them know before the candidates formal interview.  I don't think they are aware of it but my candidate has expressed some concern about them finding out after the fact, which to me means it will show throughout the interview process and ultimately hinder them from getting the job.  

I would tell the HM that the candidate has made you aware that he interviewed with company two years ago in a different department. He made it to the final round but was notified that they had selected another candidate for the position. He has remained interested in the company due to what he learned and the people he met two years ago. He is very pleased with the opportunity to interview for a position that may be a better fit due to now having more experience related to what they are looking for at this time.

If they did not offer before due to a questionable reference your HM will not move forward. If it was just a better candidate they probably will.

If he was submitted by another recruiter you don't have a problem due to the time factor. If the company found him previously you may have some talking to do depending on the terms of your contract. If so I would get it out if the way now.
Since your candidate seems worried, dig a little deeper with him to find out if he was turned down for a bad reference or exactly what he was told. Why exactly he is worried about them finding out.

Your job here seems to be finding out from both sides if there is a problem so the interview can move forward with no concern from either party..or not.

Thanks for all the advice!  I did ask my candidate and he wasn't 100% sure.  It seems like my client was moving slow to hire the position at the time but they don't appear to be doing that here.  I also don't think my candidate followed up as to why.

I am going to take both of your advice and contact the HM to discuss.  I want to give my candidate the benefit of the doubt that he didnt know, but if he did know and there was a specific reason (reference, background etc) than I am not only spinning my wheels but my client is going to be very unhappy.


Sandra McCartt said:

Since your candidate seems worried, dig a little deeper with him to find out if he was turned down for a bad reference or exactly what he was told. Why exactly he is worried about them finding out.

Your job here seems to be finding out from both sides if there is a problem so the interview can move forward with no concern from either party..or not.

Yes, tell them tat he interviewed before but don't say he got to references and then stopped.

Say the candidate is unsure of why the process was stopped.  (which is true, according to what you wrote.)

Fee should not be an issue.

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