Question of the day: How many placements you make for the month of July?

Follow up to today's RBC Daily:

Question of the day: How many placements you make for the month of July?

Show of hands of those that made 3 or more? What sector do you feel is generating the most activity?

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Hello fellow RBC's - hand in the air - 5 so far, if we can get this other one done today we'll make it 6 this month.  Flavor of the month is UC Lync Engineers for 2 hires - potentially 3 if we get one more done today.  2 Prolog Consultants (hard to find and they had to pass a clearance) and 1 Java front end person (these last 3 are Active Clearance people).  Lync is busy, there are not enough certified professionals in it to support it.  VMWare is also a productive environment with VCP 5 certs or VCP DT certifications.  

We have Java Front/Back end openings, Linux Admin positions, Java Application testers roles, and are keeping a pipeline of UC Lync people moving through the pipeline for proactive marketing.

**Please note - these came together in July - the efforts on these have been over the last 2 months - maybe because July is year end for some folks that they came together in this month.

Have a great week!


I had 4 placements for the month of July:

1. Sr. Business Analyst,

2. Financial Analyst

3. Paralegal

4. Customer Service Rep.

I had 4 as well: Paralegal Intern, Assistant Skip Tracer, Telecommunications Technician, and Project Administrative Assistant


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