Question of the day: What social media buzzword irks you the most?

From today's RBC Daily:

What social media buzzword irks you the most?

This question stemmed from a Twitter exchange last night, but I have to be honest in saying I really don't like referring to your Twitter followers as 'twit fam'. Maybe cool for 15 y.o. , but when the Dick Vitales of the world use it...........

Well you get my point. Your turn.

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I got that same stupid klout email (I refuse to capitalize it). Did yours also tell you they want to give you two days in Seattle on them? Do they have any idea what is happening in Seattle right now? I've been working from home in my bathrobe for the past three days hoping a tree doesn't fall on my car. Yeah, let's go to SEATTLE!! Morons.

Branding. Always thought that was something you do to a cow so you get it back if it runs away.

You got branding right little sister.  A brand identifies something.  The only time your are branding is when you name it or identify it the first time.  That's why they call it rebranding if you rename the same product.  Your parents "branded" you when they named you.  What you do with your good name is not branding.  You can build a reputation for your brand or promote your brand.  Your brand ie; your name identifies you as something other than generic girl child.  If you change your name or get married you are in fact rebranding your self.


I think i dislike the bad usage of the word branding worse than anything that has come down the social media pike.  When somebody tells me they are "branding themselves" i have this vision of them tatooing their names/initials on their bodies.

But trust me they just "branded "themselves in my book as the biggest buzzword baffoon on the planet.  i love the reponses to any critiques of the term where the fools say, "Am i just supposed to be like everybody else and not stand out?"


Uh, no do something, learn something , accomplish something, have an opinion that your Name (brand) stands for, that is what makes you stand out.  Not regurgitating all kinds of stuff on twiter or some form of social media with your name attached to it.  Dumping a link to somebody else's site or a newspaper article in an activity thread or a status update stream so you can see your name is not building anything except your ability to cut and paste.

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