O.K.  I just had it happen to me.  I had to share.  If someone calls me, I usually will politely call them back.  Who knows?  Connections for the future at the very least. Right?

"Hi, Will.  I am calling because I have come across your resume and really like your background.  I think you would be a perfect fit! Please call me as soon as you get this.  This is an urgent need!"

I think, O.K.  I'll hear what she has to say.  I'm happy, but I'll listen.  She follows up with a professional e-mail also.  She must really need some help!

I call her back.  

"Where are you working today?"  I say XYZ company.  She says "Who is your Manager".  Wait- why is she asking me who is my manager?

She's fishing for leads!  Holy cow!  Are you kidding me?!  She knew I was working at a certain company and wanted an introduction.  Hell no!  Do people still do this?  C'mon- there is an easier way to get this information.

"So you do what again".  You called me!  Don't you know what I do?! "Oh- I see.. I don't know why my database pulled up your name.  I am looking for a help desk professional for $12 hour". 

Are you kidding me!  Then she says "Do you want me to continue interviewing you for future opportunities?"  I said, do you recruit recruiters?  "Well, not really.  Mostly IT folks.  I can have your information on file though."  

NO!  I don't want to be interviewed so you can get leads!

Then she sends me a follow up e-mail stating that if she could get references from my employer that would be great. 

Again, are you kidding me!

This really happened.  I had to share.  This is the worst call I have ever received in my professional career.

You want to know why recruiters get a bad rap?  THIS is why!!

Happy Friday.

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you should have said "NO, who is YOUR manager??" lol seriously... she saw your resume and you're a perfect fit, huh?

Fishing.  I mean- didn't they teach that like 25 years ago?  That is awful.  I should he/she asked who her manager is!

Here is the e-mail I received after the call:

It was an absolute pleasure speaking with you today.  At your earliest convenience, please send me your updated word.doc resume and 2-3 professional (manager/ supervisor) references including their first and last name, company they are from, phone number and location so that I can find a better opportunity of interest for you according to the ideals we discussed.

AFTER she found out you were a recruiter?

Send her a link to this post. I double dog dare you. :)

YES!! Is that not unbelievable?  No, I won't do that.  I'll keep the identity unknown, but THIS is the exact reason we have such a horrible name in the market!  You should cold call though.  I will give you the name and Number.  We can call in live on the Animal Show.  

LOL can I play a hiring manager looking for staffing help? that would be awesome... lol

I think that is a terrific idea!

Amy Will this must happen. I need this to happen.

Oh man- that would be great.  

Why don't people just keep it simple, direct, and honest? If I want to ask you for referrals, information, etc. that is what I ask you for when I call you. There are always employees, candidates, and friends that might be looking, OR there might be someone I know that is a potential referral. I suppose the subterfuge is so that the caller won't know your true agenda? Does this really work for anyone, I wonder?

I love to get this kind of idiot call. Mostly because I love to screw with idiots when I have time.

When asked for my managers name I would have said, "oh sure, that,s Jake, let me transfer you to him.". Quickly I put the idiot on hold, wait a minute pick up the phone and say, " hi there Judy sue, this is Jake from State Farm, would you like to know what I'm wearing?"

If that doesn't do it you might as well hang up because the nunu is a prime candidate for a Darwin award.

Jake hardly ever gets a follow up email or another call.

That is amazing!!!!!!!!!  I use to hate when my manager had us make calls like this.  Reason #237 why I no longer work on the agency side.  Do you think that recruiter is on RecruitingBlogs?  We should look her up.......

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