I wanted to point you to a couple of things today.

Over the past few weeks, I have been adding functionality here and there to make the site operate a little more like a social network.

The first is that blog posts and forum discussions can now be added/submitted to a quite a few different places such as LinkedIn, twitter, dig etc. It’s real easy to do. You just click the “add this” button on the page you want to submit. It’s a great way to get added visibility to the content you generate or read.

RecruitingBlogs.com now issues points for participation and though I am not sure how to best work this into a master plan but, the site is tracking and you can see this activity by going to your page and seeing your rank on the left side. Evrything defaults to ‘TBA” except for mine which is “old timer” it makes me laugh so I’ll keep it. I have some ideas for this but it's too soon.

Here is a link to the current situation

I also want to thank three people who have been very instrumental lately in taking things to a new level. There are of course more but the following leap to mind now.

1. Rayanne Thorn has been building and growing a RecruitingBlogs.com LinkedIn group on LinkedIn and creating a newsletter twice a month specifically for this group.

2. Maren Hogan has designed some amazing new logos to help with the daily branding of the featured daily content. Maren will also be manning the RecruitingBlogs.com lounge in Orlando next week for the Kennedy Show. I wanted to go but I am in a play with my son. ( make sure you get a hat at the Lounge)

3. Susan Burns on her own expanded the Talent Talk Cafe Chats and now there are two of them weekly and they have never been better.

At the top of the main page of RecruitingBlogs.com you can see an update of how many members, how many posts etc. I like this because it is a real up to date visual of how your participation impacts and grows the network.

I'm really excited about RecruitFest! 2009. it will be in Toronto and Arbita is the lead sponsor on this. I have room for other companies who are interested in being involved. It's a unique experience for everyone involved and though I won't have 500 people at it, the dialouge and commitment to the industry will be as if there were 5,000,000,000,000,000 people there. lol.

Below is a list of track leaders and very soon you will be able to start signing up:

Toronto - April 17th-18th
Track Leaders:
Joel Cheesman
Gerry Crispin
Shally Steckerl
Maureen Sharib
Steve Fogarty
Networking and Blog Panel:
Rayanne Thorn
Dave Mendoza

I could keep going with more but I'll stop until next time.

Thanks again everyone.

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It's noted in my calendar :-)
Looking forward to RecruitFest! 2009

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