A good topic this evening on #TChat/Radio with regards to talent communities. Although I kinda agree with @MNHeadhunter that asked for someone to show him an example of one. So I bring the question to the RBC- can you share an example of a talent community? To continue the #TChat conversation- what role should recruiters have (if any) within such a community.


Obviously if the question was to show an example of a talented community it would be simple - RBC! ; )


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I've answered the question on the part recruiters should play in my latest post. The examples are know are larger companies/corporates. Sodexo, Intuit, Oracle, G4S (great UK example), Accenture, Deloites NZ, I can go on. Smaller talent communities tend to slip under the radar, though I'm starting work with a 200 employee company on friday. Will keep you updated.


Here is a Talent Community that I have been building for Welding Professionals WeldingMedia.com. Its on the NING platform.

With respect, that looks more like a job board or an on-line labor exchange. Useful resource, but i'm not sure it qualifies for a talent community

Dr. Suresh Raghavan said:

Here is a Talent Community that I have been building for Welding Professionals WeldingMedia.com. Its on the NING platform.
Thanks Bill. It will be interesting to hear of your experience with a small organization.
Bill, now I am curious, am believer in niche communities than generic ones.

You might check out this best practice guide to building talent communities. 


This goes back to the simple question, do you get traffic to your existing website, if so you will be fairly successful building a talent community. Just because you build a talent community doesn't mean you will attract any traffic unless you spend a lot of advertising dollars. Attracting traffic is just the beginning, you will need Niche specific knowledge to cultivate the community. All that means committing added resources which many small corporations will hesitate to do..

There is really no free lunch.

Deloitte has two new niche talent communities for:

Veterans: http://military-veteran-jobs.deloitte.com/

Women in Technology: http://women-in-tech-jobs.deloitte.com/

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