Talent Talk Cafe: Week of March 30th - More Random Principles AND Valuing Relationships

Join us two times a week! Every Tuesday and Thursday at 3pm ET / 12pm PT!

To Access The Chat:
Click on the Community link to get to the Chat. Look for the chat buttons in the bottom right of your screen. You can open the chat there or pop it out and make it bigger!

Tuesday, March 31st
Random Principles of Recruiting Success - Part 5!
Join Jerry Albright for another round of his eye-opening random principles of success! Jerry will continue working through his amazing list and share more kernels of knowledge that led to his success!

Jerry has a list of 38 principals and we've only begun to crack through the surface so lots more to learn!. Jerry provides insight into how to get the most out of your agency and together with everyone on the Chat there's a lot of great practices to incorporate into your strategy for 2009, whether your an agency or corporate recruiter you'll find value in this Chat.

Jerry heads up his own recruiting company and is also the founder of Verbal Summary

Thursday, April 2nd
Join Rayanne Thorn Finding Value in Relationships
"How do you find value in relationships?
-devotion of your time
-investment of your knowledge and wisdom
-whether they are virtual, actual or potential relationships
And what's the best way to measure that?"

Rayanne is an Independent Recruiter and Business Consultant. Her company is A Thorn's Point. Rayanne is also Director of Business Development at Telios. Connect with Rayanne and also catch up with her on Twitter @Ray_anne

I look forward to seeing you on the Chats! Please share your ideas for topics and areas of interest by replying to this post or sending me a message.

Twitter with me @TalentSynch

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