For some reason my brain hurts...

Featured Posts, Articles & Authors...

Mendoza's Monday Member Showcase:
Meet Jeff Newman, Empathetic Eccentricity: Passion in Recruitment, ...
Tutorial Tuesday
Rich Becker with a post: The Defriending Debacle
Claudia's Wednesday Wisdom
Guns and Common Sense
Third Party Thursday
A video from Bill Radin: Too Much Training
Friday: TGIS (Thank Goodness It's Sumser!)
Digging Into v2.04 Who's the Techie

...and Editor's Picks

An endless source of nurses - RBC style by Steve Levy
Subscribing to multiple networking sites? by Elizabeth Lauer
Fast Company Ranks The 2009 Hottest Jobs by Craig Silverman
Are you a "Control Freak"? by Debbie Goodin
You can never go wrong with having "Good Intention" "Honesty" and "... by Jennifer LaVigne
Why Are Some Employers Missing the Social Boat? by Craig Fisher
When client companies say they already have the resume you sent in ... by Debbie Peda
Myths in Pricing Professional Services by Ric Willmot
Interview the Interviewer by Jason Monastra
And now for something completely different... by Steve Levy
Recruiting for a Niche Skill Set and No Local or known Candidate Pool by Elizabeth Lauer
When is it OK to fire your client? by Gino Conti
Our Customer and Partner, the Hiring Manager by Dave Graziano

Being rejected can be very liberating by Ric Willmot
Smarter media placement needed by Matthew Gray
[Part 2: Why Online? - The Changing Media Landscape]
John Thain's Office: The Ground is Shifting Under Our Feet... by Martin H.Snyder

Weekly Weakly-Teaser

What do these members all have in common?

The Week's Top Searches: RBC versus Google:

RBC: Smart Recruiter
Google: Smart Recruiter
RBC: Maureen Sharib
Google: Maureen Sharib
RBC: Bounty Jobs
Google: Bounty Jobs
RBC: My page
Google: My page
RBC: Recruiting Tips
Google: Recruiting Tips


"Top producers in the agency world don't put much thought on what their draw or base number is. The real money is made in commissions." Pam Claughton

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This was a great mail that summed up what was happening but didn't fill up my inbox all week long.

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