I have an incredible fascination with butterflies. I am not a lunatic and I don't have butterfly paraphernalia everywhere, just a few things here and there. Their beauty is so fleeting and their lives are so quick. They have moments to make their impact on this earth and they do so by flitting here and landing there, pausing only briefly to enjoy some nectar or the warmth of the sun. Butterflies are free but their existence is brief. And the transitions they go through during that short life are quite astonishing. Simple and sluggish (caterpillar) to almost dead (cocoon) to beautiful and lively...

There really is nothing like a butterfly. There are, however, perceptions that dwell in our own heads and in the minds of others about what true beauty is and what we are able to accomplish. Sometimes tasks or opportunities are given to us that seem completely overwhelming or mountains lay before us that appear bigger than we could possibly tackle. This is when you pull up your boots and say to yourself, "I think I can, I think I can." Or, if you are not too proud, you can reach out and ask for help. Still, other times, you just need to climb that mountain yourself.
Unlike the butterfly, there is plenty of time in our lives to learn, grow, and appreciate the struggles that have created the men and women we eventually become. Hopefully we become. There are many that say that there are no "do overs" in this life. I do not agree. Every day is an opportunity to do it over, to try and get it right. Like the movie Groundhog Day, remember that? I get knocked down but I get up again...

A friend of mine recently directed me to a short film called
The Butterfly Circus. He knew the delight I take in butterflies and thought I would enjoy not only the title but also the content of the film. It contains a powerful message of transition and hope. I really couldn't help but share this with you on a Friday, a day (in Bonus Track past) reserved for messages of the
Butterfly Effect.
We all face times of transition; these can be times of hope. My favorite line in the film is:
"The greater the struggle, the more glorious the triumph."
You can do it. So can
you. So can
And so can I.
Enjoy: The Butterfly Circus
For more information about Nick Vujicic, you can simply Google,
Wiki or YouTube him.
by rayannethorn