This last week has continued to fill me with optimism for the coming months. Temp and interim business continues to rise bit by bit. Not giant gains but after the cuts of the first quarter, and mass redundancies, I honestly feel that the market is telling us that we have started to climb back from the bottom. Approximately 5000 people have exited the recruitment industry in the UK over the last 6 months, voluntarily or otherwise. Many businesses have either closed or dropped out; it has been a worrying time. What we are left with is still a sizeable market with fewer players. Those that have ridden the storm have proved themselves resilient, have upped their game, got on the phone and won new business. The demand from clients and candidates for quality over speed is allowing recruiters to add real value. It is a great time to be in the market!
More of you have been active in the group this week, further echoing my feelings that things are getting better. Lisa Johnson of Jarvis Johnson in Doncaster work in the food sector and report winning 4 new interim roles after a quiet period, Jackie brown from Jackie Brown medical listed 511 new jobs that had been created in Ireland recently (news strangely missing from the papers, seems bad news sells!),Graeme Read of Antal reports that his excellent business is winning new roles in Saudi at a senior level and that construction is still the key recruitment area in the middle east, John O'sullivan of Elite Recruitment Leaders (who I regularly speak for) reports a record increase members indicating more independent recruitment businesses are feeling confident enough to start investing as well as recruiting through the Elite Academy and Steve Ames of rec to rec company Shadow UK, continues this theme reporting that he has secured 17 new roles for recruiters across a range of sectors. If there is not enough there to get you excited about what’s happening you must be a real "mood hover" and determined not to succeed. Better times are here so share the news!
I was delighted to read from Wendy Jacob of G.F. Partnership about the good news board they have put up in the office to promote the good news. A great idea, another of my clients now gets each consultant to bring in a good news story to the morning meeting, one is picked out of a hat and discussed and this story is then featured as a screen save. Very effective and free! Also using good news boards are Lisa Carr at The Recruitment Bureau and Lyn Cecil of secretaries plus. I was particularly pleased to see Lyn contributing. Lyn is a recruitment legend with offices over Vivienne Westwood’s shop. I first came across Lyn when I was a spotty member of the IEC and Lyn was then president of either the Ferrari or Porsche owners club, at a time when women weren't supposed to drive fast cars. Please keep posting.
I'm on the road again this week presenting Tin Hat Strategy (the full version) and launching Elite Leaders group in Dublin on Tuesday 19th. This is a taster and there are still a few places left, if you want a free ticket e-mail me quickly. My hope for this group is to link the members in Ireland with the members in the UK and see how we can all work together and increase trade through joint ventures, new business and candidate flow. Lots of potential. We also have the Elite international meeting coming up in London on the 10th June with Doug Budgie of Antal. This is a free meeting for Elite members and demonstrates further ways we can collaborate to increase business as the market rises. Drop me a mail if you are interested in this event.
If you want to hear good news live I will be continuing to present the "Riding the Recession Seminars" across the UK. I always update attendees with news from this group. As well as the presentation, delegates also receive a copy of the research report of the same name from the REC. The sessions are put on to support members rather than make money hence the ticket price of £75.00 including breakfast. The next session is in Manchester on Thursday 21st, Glasgow 9th June, Bristol 16th June, Newcastle 23rd and Birmingham 30th. If you want to attend and say hi in person, drop me an e-mail and I will pass on your details to arrange it.
Through all my travels, tin hat breakfasts, Elite groups, the N.R.F. in Ireland and the R.E.C. I’m getting this continued feeling of positivity. I'm glad it is not just me; we just have to work hard to make the most of it. That’s also not exclusive to any sector or industry. Even the central bank reported being cautiously optimistic and famed investor George Sorros commented how he was backing an improved money market and better performances by the pound. This of course was reported on page 27 of one national paper, relegated by more important news of Peter and Jordan and M.P.'s expenses!
Over the next week I will be announcing dates for the launch of two new Good News Group (Recruiters) services. A week ago I was a guest on The Recruitment Animal show. This is a recorded conference call for an hour where the host grills the guest and callers contribute. I thought it was a great format for low cost worldwide networking and idea sharing. (Thanks Animal.) I believe a good talk blog is needed in the UK and will be launching Good News Group (Recruiters) talk show shortly. Similar concept to the group, to share good news, best practice and market views at the same time each week. Anyone can phone in and contribute and the show will be recorded and downloadable as either a podcast or to listen to from the web. If you would be interested in either receiving the recording or in taking an active part in the live show please drop me an e-mail or message so that I can gauge interest and set it up.
I will also be launching a series of webinars on recruitment subjects tailored to the current market. The first will be on selling in the current market, the second how to demonstrate value to clients in order to grow business and the third will be on selling retainers in this market. The first three will be free to determine interest and value. Again, if you want to take part drop me a line and I will advise on dates, times and how to log on and take part.
As a last tip in how to ride out the current difficult times, if you are completing expense forms this week, don't forget the moat cleaning and the house you rent to your sister! (Apologies to anyone outside of the U.K. that doesn't get the joke!)
The Good News seems to be well hidden in the papers, keep sharing yours!
Spread the word.

PS: In case you need it my direct e-mail is

You can find The Good News Group (Recruiters) @

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