Hey Everyone - 

As recruiters we prefer to see no one unemployed, but as we all know that is a tall task. While we might feel we know all the issues associated with being unemployed, have you ever really considered the physical impact? The Huffington Post shared an image that is quite revealing in this area;

While it nice to make a placement, it is even better knowing that our work as recruiters can really impact one's livelihood in a whole host of ways.


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This is very true Tim.

Thanks for comment Will. Yes - sad but true. It is really powerful when you see it displayed in this fashion. Makes me want to work that much harder to prevent this from my current candidates. Cheers. 

I think these are important things to keep in mind when evaluating candidates. Searching for a new job is stressful enough while employed, so when factoring in all of these possible additional issues an unemployed person is likely facing, it's makes it even tougher to understand why so many still feel that it's OK to ignore this group. 

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