Should you ever give up an ideal? Ever? It is good to find a place in work and life where your own personal code of ethics is able to, not only survive but, thrive. I have to feel good about my work. I have to feel as though I am contributing in some way to the betterment of our industry, that I am making someone's job easier, that I am not the only beneficiary of my work. What I do, what I give, must not only assist but most certainly not be a detriment.

All night long, a bird sits outside my window and sings the most lovely song. The problem is it is all night long. He is searching for a mate, I am sure - but again, it is all night long. And while his song is lovely, the fact that he is singing it at the wrong time, in the wrong manner only causes those around to disregard what he produces, what he gives. Really, to be completely honest, it is drives me mad and I wish and pray for his demise - I am hopeful that one of my neighbors will solve the issue fast, as the song at 1:30 am is not lovely at all. It is quite bothersome and wishing for a songbird's demise is not my style. Really, it's not - I would just like a bit of peaceful sleep.

We are often given tasks of what we are not quite sure, for which we may not even be ready - whether it is beginning a new project or finishing an ongoing, protracted one that we are not even sure of how to wrap up. There are those that once a difficult part of their job arises or of what they are hesitant, they deviate from the task in front of them. As if the job will magically get done on its own or that by avoiding the work it will disappear. Avoidance seldom works - in ANY situation.

Whether or not you "fritter away time" all day or sing all night, the job /task still needs to get done. Sometimes, changing your tune or simply the position of your desk in order to get a different view might be just what is needed. Have you ever played Boggle? Forming words from a shaken set of lettered dice during a restricted time frame. It is a fun enough game, but sometimes perspective is lost from just looking at the letters from one point of view. Turning the set of dice almost every time allows players to create words they had not seen prior to the turning.

Change your perspective and a completely different ideal may be revealed. I am hopeful my lovebird will find a nest. I don't hold my breath, but I will always hold my hope.



by rayannethorn

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