I'm in the 98.7th percentile for most active Twitter accounts.... more active than 281 million other active accounts out of 284 million. I have yet to see any benefit, though. It's supposed to be a good tool for recruiting, but if it is, I haven't noticed anything much, yet. Maybe it helps in some subtle way. Unclear at this point.

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For recruiting its best to use twitter to create lists of candidates and engage with them. Use it to establish relationships with your target candidate pool. Humanize yourself. You can post your jobs but for every job tweet post 4 other more interesting pieces of content. Use more pics like this. Sourcing and branding and a little bit of web traffic...thats what twitter can do for you.

Yes, I do that.  I add friends, too.  It just surprises me that (so far, at least), with tweet circulation like 80,000 readers and 250,000 impressions, I have yet to see one resume come through from any ad placed on Twitter, or Google Plus, for that matter... although on Google Plus my number of views went up by over 1,000 in two days, after placing an ad on a few sites.  So, I'm getting readers, just not converting them.  Meanwhile, the identical ads work a little bit better on ZipRecruiter. Thanks for your thoughts, Chris.

Just to show you that I take Twitter pretty seriously, here are some Analytics:


I review these numbers daily and weekly on different platforms designed for that purpose.  There is clearly a strong branding opportunity in Twitter, but the use of Twitter as an actual source of candidates is not working as well as I would have expected, even with software.  Instead, we're finding other methods much more successful.




These are pretty cool tools, though!

Another nice tool is Twitter Audit:  https://www.twitteraudit.com/eCruiter11

And not to forget Followerwonk, which is also a good way to browse for specific skills like "Ruby on Rails":


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