So, I sat and talked with Julia Stone for about an hour today and we decided to solve the world's issues, in one fell swoop. I addressed this in yesterday's post, but why do we attend "old school" conferences? Julia confessed that while she never actually garnered new clients or increased her candidate database, somehow, her productivity always increased, thus raising revenues. She returned to her work space rejuvenated and ready to hit the work day with exuberance and, perhaps more clarity.

So, what is it? Maybe we go back to the golden age of networking, what can be lumped into the group: "old-fashioned technology." I refer to it often and yet, it still remains a mystery, except to the individual. We each, individually, know what we need to receive and do to personally move forward with our own personal community but then, should't we give back? How do we do it?,

We refer, we endorse, we concede, we placate, we forgive, we pursue, we advertise, we embrace, and we succeed.

That is the gyst of community. That is the focus of networking.
Make it work. Make it work for you. Make it work for your space and industry.

I was listening to a little Bob Dylan as I pulled into Vegas this morning, and his words hit me just right. His poetry crosses borders and industries. I tweeted this earlier, so if you follow, sorry for the repetition, but it definitely bears repeating...

"There's no success like failure, and failure's no success at all." ~Bob Dylan

Failure is not an option... Drive Success and succeed. Take advantage of the knowledge you hold. Learn more, curiosity pays..., it may kill the cat but it won't kill you.


by rayannethorn

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Rayanne, tell us about the conference.
I might add one key reason Julia goes to these things. She gets to bump into people like me. You know I've got over 22 years experience in recruiting. (Don't tell anybody.......)

Somehow I have survived. If you've met me then you'll know - I give everyone the sense that "If THAT GUY can do this - I can certainly do it better!"

Right Julia?
Just ok? Any high points?

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