So let me start off with my opening philosophy. It's one I talk about in practically every interview I do. One way or another you end up in this industry and you decide within two years if you hate it and you run for the hills or you find that you are certified crazy and you absolutely LOVE IT!!! The way I describe myself after being in this crazy world for some 23 years is that I'm Full Tilt Bozo!!
Ok let's throw out the "I'm a People Person" thing that some Recruiters like to say. As soon as I hear that on an interview I first tend to gag a little in my mouth and then proceed to cut the potential interview time down from an hour+ to 30 minutes. To me it's not about being a People Person it's about actually liking and experiencing people and all they have to share with you. The good, the bad, the outrageous and so on. Yes I've had my share of unusual (attempt at being politically correct??) candidates over the years but there's not a one that I have not learned from. The lessons may not necessarily be ones that I recognize right away or even ones that are exclusive to my growth in my chosen field but somewhere along the way I have been influenced by every person I have met, interviewed, placed, hired, fired and/or interacted with in one way or another. Tell me another job in the world that gives you that. Everything else is just a product. Your boxed up new ipod can't tell its likes, dislikes, the story about its kids or exactly where it wants to be in 5 years or what color its parachute is (another gag in the mouth moment). Of course the flip side of that is the ipod can never change it's mind after it's accepted a job. Luckily the positives/victories for me have outweighed the negatives, if they didn't I would probably be working at the Apple store by now selling those same talkless, thoughtless ipods.....zzzzzzzz.
I've been blessed to have placed people all across the U.S and part of my enjoyment is I get the chance to live vicariously thru them. When I get to hear from the candidate I placed in Hilo, HI between his catching some waves while he relaxed at his housing at Uncle Billy's Motel (really) to my friend Marty (yes sometimes they even become friends...add that to the plus column) who told me about her shopping for Native American artifacts when I placed her in the middle of no where New Mexico to one of my earliest placements in Nebo,NC which I can't even find on most maps these days but who was so excited (I decided she was probably part of some kind of witness relocation program....see another benefit to recruiting is how much fun you get to have making up stories in your head).
Finally I'll go serious for a moment. I have truly been blessed over the years with the opportunity to meet and interact with so many people of such diverse backgrounds and personalities that I never regretted the fact that I didn't go back to school for that Masters Degree in Student Personnel. The fact that I have been able to help people attain jobs, money, homes, allow them to provide more for their families.... well that is a benefit in itself that doesn't get listed with the Health, Dental and Life insurance when you sign up for this insane world of recruitng and in reality it may be the best benefit of all. So this blog was a little all over the place but really when you get down to it, isn't recruiting like that and isn't that what makes it so great for most of us. Ok now go get your smile on, there's a candidate waiting for you. ;)
Great read, Peter.
Your fervor, humor and enthusiasm is contagious.
BTW -While there will be "no where places" in New Mexico...those places are everywhere else as well.
NM is my home State and the Land of Enchantment is a remarkable place to be.
Keep that energy level make a good first impression.
Hi Vantino,
Definitely "no where" places all over. I hope I did not offend by singling out NM for this particular post, not my intent at all. Any time I've placed someone in NM I have always heard wonderful things. Thanks for the comments and for the "like".
Best regards
No offense a self-appointed Ambassador for all-things-New Mexico, naturally I remind others of the "Enchantment" that is New Mexico...the Native American culture...The Billy the Kid stomping grounds; Carlsbad Caverns; Sandia Peak; Hatch New Mexico--best chili on the planet...Santa Fe; Taos; Albuquerque; Los Alamos; birth place of the Atom Bomb; Old Town restaurants... I can go on, and on....
Oh, and my motorcycle broke down one fine day on the highway between Albuquerque and Santa Rosa which was a actually "no where New Mexico". Pushing my cycle down the road I passed a dead snake on the highway. It died with it's body crushed but its mouth and eyes wide-open (retina was open...their eyes are always open, and for sleeping, the retina can be closed)...a memorable sight in Nowhere, NM.
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