I have thought quite a bit about transparency as of late. As time goes by, the relevance of transparency has changed somewhat. For me, it has become more important than ever. Social media has allowed us each to connect with individuals we never would have otherwise. I receive notifications daily from social media users that would like to connect with me. If I am able to fully review a profile of some sort that provides a positive reason for us to connect, chances are I will.

But to the converse of that, should I not be able to decipher who it is, the actual person that wishes to connect, I have decided that that person does not get to connect with me. The fact that they do not reveal their true identity stumps me. What are they trying to hide? It’s not like they are Bruce Wayne and Batman or Clark Kent / Superman.

I had a conversation with someone on twitter recently about this. Their profile was blank. Nothing but their twitter name, not even a location. How am I supposed to even want to connect? Why would I believe we have anything in common? Why would I want to share the details of who I am, where I reside, what my profession is, why I think a conversation is relevant if there is no reciprocation involved?

Granted, my details are already open, that information is already out there, anyone can find me. But in order for me to engage, to share even more of myself, there must be a two-way information exchange. The individual referenced earlier made this statement on Twitter: "Transparency is overrated... sometimes it's better to separate personal opinions from business persona."   I could not believe it. Transparency is overrated - as in providing your name, profession, and location. Overrated. And then on top of that, hiding your identity and stating an opinion. Why would the opinion be believable if the person isn't?

I have been trying to wrap my head around this for the last five days. Anyone who posted on social media that transparency is overrated would never get my business BUT, and here's the kicker, how would I even know who this person is and whether or not I am already doing business with them? I fear the zealots that just like to stink up the place with self-righteous statements. I crave information with absolutely no dread of overload. I will continue down the path I have already chosen. Where I know who I am and so do you.

by rayannethorn

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For the most part - transparency IS overrated. Now - if you want to talk about integrity? Professionalism? Candor? Sure - you bet.

But transparency for the sake of being an open book? No thanks. I've seen too many stories unfold on the internet - personal sagas, etc. that frankly leave me wondering "Does this person know when to just SHUT UP ALREADY?" !!!

When we're talking about business (and I hope we are) I'd much rather connect with someone based on their product or service rather than how much they think we should know about them as a person. For the most part - I don't care where you vacation, how many beautiful kids you have and what your spouse thinks.

Let's be real here. Too much info is just that - TOO MUCH!
Amen sister! If you have something to say, I think you should have the cajones to put your name behind it. Only cowards hide behind anonymity. Those folks are usually the online trolls who just want to stir the pot...not folks i would want to do business with anyway.
If all it takes to meet the transparency threshold is a name and number - then I'm just misreading your concern here Rayanne. Sorry for jumping to conclusions. I thought you meant "significant" transparency - not just contact info.......
How about adding "enterprise level candidate" , "branding to talent" to the list. I think it may be social media that is causing the misuse, stupid use and overuse of words and nonsensical terms that peeps who want to make themselves look smart or trendy think they need to regurgitate all over the net. I vote for opening a can of buzz word killer to spray on those who use them. You want sustanence, here have a knuckle sandwich, knucklehead. When did responsibilities become deliverables?
If people were really transparent nobody would ever get hired. There is so much we don't need to know, or want to know. I shudder to think about what people might be really like. Do me a favor, if you are supposed to be applying for a certain position, just act like a person in that role is suppose to act, and look, smell, and perform like that person. I don't want to know the rest.

As far as putting your name to opinions, etc. Cowards use anonymity. Don't have an opinion that you are ashamed of, and put your name to it. I ignore anything written anonymously.

I laughed about all the buzz words. I think we use them to sound smart. It's almost like a secret corporate handshake, or wearing a letter jacket. Makes you cool, smart sophisticated. I do it too. I want to be one of the people in the know.

Have you ever noticed that once the word is used by everyone, another comes along until the next big thing. "WORLD CLASS" comes to mind paradigm is another. When third grade projects were deemed world class, it was time to move on.
If we position this candidate in the right perspective he could be a compelling hire.....

Rat Shit as we say in Texas.
This is a beautifully written piece. It is very profound with an emotional connection to your thoughts. Thank you for sharing.

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