Troll headlines irritate me beyond the point of being able to ignore them.
One that just sparked pages of heated responses and a series of punk ass responses from the poster was.
Social Recruiting: The Replacement for Cold Calling.
After pages and pages of recruiters taking issue with social media being a replacement for anything and multiple attempts by multiple irritated and some more gentle recruiters trying to point out that social media was.
A. Not a replacment for cold calls.
B. Only one of the things that we use.
C. He was being a lot absurd in making an erroneous sweeping statement.
D. As a person with no recruiting experience and only five months experience as a marketer for a recruiting firm he might not yet have the experience to make that kind of claim just yet.
E. It might be well advised for his own personal brand not to be a know it all jerk.
He drew himself up in righteous indignation and took the mature and intelligent approach to decide that if i made any further reference to his age or inexperience that he would delete any further posts.
I suggested to the boy wonder that my last post was no reference to his age and experience but making fun of my own dotage as well as making the point that all of us had been using his definition of social media in some form since the early 90's. He didn't like that either. In a serious attempt to offer him some advice i suggested to him that all of us started out thinking that we were going to set the world on fire and flew too close to the sun early on in our careers before we learned much and now laugh at some of the goofy stuff we did and the fools we made of ourselves with some of our outrageous great statements when we knew just enough to be dangerous and didn't yet have the sense to shut our mouths and give our ears a chance.
I further suggested to him that a very good editor had once told me if i stirred up a hornets nest to go back and read all my posts without reading what everybody else had written and most of all to pay close attention to the headline of my article as it set the tone for everything that followed. Most of all to never say never or always and not to put myself in a hole before i started digging. His passion was certainly notable but to go back and read all the responses that referred to a rookie, hiring a teenager because they knew everything, headlines that made people mention it made their teeth grind, the analogy of a 12 year old wearing the opposing team baseball cap in the home team city, etc. etc. Then give some thought to the possiblity that all of us are interested in new ideas so perhaps he might not have pissed off so many folks if he had given more thought to his headline. I suggested that acting like a defensive punk might not be the best way to be well received or to make his case.
I closed by letting him know that this was some serious advice from a seasoned old bitch who loved a good rumble.
He didn't like that either so simply said i had posted something else negative and wanted to keep all this on a positive note. So deleted my post and said so. Dumb kid.
Another poster just suggested to him for the 40th time that cold calling was part of our process as well as email, various sites ,social media etc.
The funny thing about all this is that after a Headline that says SOCIAL RECRUITING - REPLACMENT FOR COLD CALLING. He now postulates that he never suggested that any of the proven methods of recruiting should be done away with and social media is an aid to calling and doesn't understand why nobody can "get" what he is trying to say. Dear Boy Wonder look up the definition of the word replacement before you write another headline.
Here is his direct comment from his last post.
" But I mean the issue that I can't seem to make clear is that this post isnt about social recruiting replacing traditional recruiting but simply supplementing it"
I love it when a baby Troll flys too close to the sun, writes a Troll headline, sets himself up for a fronal attack, starts deleting comments that he doesn't like in order to keep the discussion on a positive note. then does a 180 on what he meant in the first place. But really, he hasn't been around long enough to know what traditional recruiting is hell it's Christmas, i'll give him a break if he can manage to grow up a little bit.
Somehow it reminds me of Christmas's past :)
I am sending the baby troll a gift certificate for a class on how to laugh at himself, what to do when you posture too much and get your puppy nose slapped and what happens when you start deleting comments cuz "if you says one more thing bout' my age and experience i am gonna, boy i'm gonna show you, i'll by god rise up and delete your there.
We have probably all been there but most of us said oops when we stepped on the "stupid" land mine and took a big bite of the shit sandwich. I remember the first troll headline i ever wrote. Made such a jerk of myself that it had to get funny before i dug myself out of the hole. Let's hope that this one uses his "learners permit" and grows up wise enough to use his talent and passion in a more mature manner. It would be nice if we could just delete everything we didn't like...but that ain't recruiting. Unless of course one spends all their time on twitter hiding behind an avatar so their feelers don't get bopped in 140 characters and can just unfollow. That sort of makes me want to unswallow. Twitter this bear hugger, like i said, i was using social media before you could spell it.
I adore you Paul. Your discussion about deleting posts was just lying there waiting like a fertile field.
I have a little speech i make to a perp when i do an animal cruelty investigation.
"Think of me as your worst nightmare, i am a woman over 60 who owns her business , loves animals and doesn't give a flying F who she irritates. If this situation is not corrected immediately, buy a new hat and shirt because you are getting ready to meet the media and have your 15 minutes of fame."
The power of social media is a double edged sword. Brand indeed. hurrumph! Now where did i put that branding iron.
I notice that Justin is not tweeting any "Ha, ha, ha, look at the age of those who are making abrasive comments." Tweets today.
Old people are just damn mean when they get mad, the good thing is they don't remember in a day or two who they got mad at or why.
Merry Holiday, Ms. McCarrt...,
Trolls were my favorite things to play with as a kid.... especially when you shook them up and their hair was going in a hundred different directions and their eyes were bulging out and they looked like they had no clue. Not much has changed since those days... I still love tossing trolls. I just have less patience and no desire to try and put their hair back in place. I move on..., I just move on.
Interesting side bar on the coon thing - I never thought I'd need something like this but decided to give it a shot. It was only $7.59 and so far I've got to say I'm impressed. When I was younger I would have never thought I needed it - but I've learned over the years to always try new stuff. If it works - great! If it doesn't - don't buy any more.
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