Hi All,

I just joined Twitter, can someone let me know how to use twitter for recruiting. How to get benefited better from twitter


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Well I would say that you need to be much more creative with Twitter. After awhile you learn to think "short". Instead of using the title of the job pick out the "sexiest" key word of what the job seeker will do and what the company does.
Accounting Manager for Manufacturing might translate to Coordinate money trackers for JIT specialists. Now that is just step one. Wait about half an hour and post the same job with another catchy phrase. It will take 5 postings paced over time to get some attention. You have the opportunity to post a picture for your Avitar. Most people post their personal picture. Go for something different. As a recruiter, how about a hand with money in it. Then again there are the 3 hands. One employer, one employee, one recruiter.
The key thing to remember is that anyone can become your follower by virtue of them searching for a key word.
Hi Deborah,

Thanks for your valuable suggestion.

What types of roles are you seeking to fill?

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