Dear Readers,

I’m traveling for a few weeks (taking care of my Mom after some shoulder surgery), and am hoping you'll indulge me with a slight departure from the normal routine. Since the inception of the Wednesday Wisdom column in April of 2008, the RBC community has argued, discussed, and enjoyed a wide variety of perspectives on a surprising variety of questions. Here’s a look back at the entertaining, brilliant, and sometimes nonsensical interaction that can happen when a community embraces open dialogue. I give both readers and commenters my heartfelt thanks for taking part in the fun!


Hiring Manager smackdown: Justified, or just crazy?
The amazing Houdini candidate
Hair of the dog
Speed dating
Poached please, with solicitation on the side
Don't make me go there. Seriously.
Digital rusing
How do you spell RELIEF?
Babies, bathwater, and recruiting careers
Defending the ugly client
Fool me once, shame on you…
Cliff notes for candidates
Dangerous liaisons
Park it at the door, missie.
My candidate, the juggler
Burn baby burn
Network? You bet. Now where's that paycheck?
What's your hang up?
Work that plan!
The case of the disappearing hiring manager
The last of the late, great recruiters
Back in a flash
Herding cats
Mamma Mia
Caught in the crossfire
What goes bump in the night
The relocation runaround
Inquiring minds want to know
No soup for you
I know something you don't know
Shift keeps happening
Drink 'em pretty
I'm just a girl who can't say no
Matchmaker, matchmaker
Ding Ding
I forget
Smell the roses
Guns and common sense
What's a recruiter to do?
What my kids taught me about being a better recruiter
HR strikes again
Gunnin' for the boss
If a tree falls in the forest…
Measurement and the art of recruiting
The Quest
When the recruiter becomes the candidate
Who's the boss?
Praise the Lord and pass the earplugs
Why don't recruiters get it?
Beat them candidates! Beat them, I say!
The flight of wonder boy
Who's the bad guy??
Risky business
Jail bait
Lying sack of recruiters
Lucy, you've got some 'splaining to do
To cut or not to cut
Stalked by my own recruiter
Do you tattoo?
Elvis has left the building
Short Timer's disease


In my day job, I’m the Head of Products for Improved Experience, where we collect and record perceptions as business metrics for our clients. Learn more about us here.

Do you have a question you'd like answered in this weekly forum? Drop me a line!

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Thanks, Rayanne -- high praise coming from the woman who posts great content like the Energizer Bunny!

Mom came through the surgery with flying colors, and coffee sounds fabulous. We're on the same coast, pick your favorite day!

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