What do you recruiters do to relieve the stress you get from clients who stomp on recruiters. I'd like to call it having been harassed from one of those people who look for every trace of the slightest thing you might not do right, because at the end of the day we are people. No matter what reason it might be, no one likes to be stomped on. In some sense the position we are in gives us no space to scream "what the ......" or do anything for that matter.

I normally communicate with candidates which is more my thing I suppose. I have been working up a new prospective account and it just seems that nothing I do will make this x happy. Is it me? And does anyone else cope with this kind of stuff on a daily basis? How do you manage?

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"Is there anything else I could do to thicken my face and soften my soul?"


Yes - decide that you won't take anything the client says or does as a personal attack.. works wonders.

Figure out what they want and give it to them, and keep looking for other clients to work with..lather, rinse, repeat.


Recruiters have to master this "inner game', or this line of work will kill them.


Aside from that, pick up a physical activity like running, weightlifting, etc.. that will help.


As for me, I like martial arts..hitting things is good for the soul, and getting whacked in the head with a stick develops humility and sharpens the focus at the same time. Seriously though, you need to be involved in something that teaches you to control the emotions and thoughts.



Hippies, rollercoasters and golf! So out of the box descriptions I never would have expected to hear. Loving all your comments and suggestions and "Fire your client!" really has given me goosebumps. One thing I've tried after reading everyone's comments is that I have started to CC in two executives in all my emails and stopped responding to negative reactions, rather stayed focus on the positive updates (took control and communicated what I wanted to not what he wanted to complain about) and kept my communications as scientific as possible, based on facts with exact dates, limting estimates etc....so far has all paid off and the stomping has stopped for now.  Not to mention sweating and yes also enjoying my soar hands from holding a golf club in a long time~ You're all right! I get that it has alot to do with controlling yourself!~ Great advice.

Good for you.  There is nothing like ccing others when responding to written fussing.  It's called "murder by memo", very effective, much cleaner and sends a loud but subtle message that you are taking the high road.  I have several times had the joy of watching people who do that sort of stuff be sent down the road.  It never happens as fast as we wish it would,  the mills of God grind slowly but they grind exceedingly fine.

The only behavior we can control is our own and when we do the freedom is glorious.

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