In the last coupla' days, in the raucous string here on RBC the validity (and effectiveness) of a “list of names” has been once again disingenuously called into question. What good is a list of names?

Very shortly, unless you’ve been working in a specialized niche for several years a “list of names” procured by your sourcer will allow you, on the very next day, to sit down at your desk and begin your calling to fill your open position. Even if are working in a specialized niche and you’ve “just begun” your dedication into your chosen sphere a “list of names” will do the very same thing for you. And, to take this one step further, even if you have been working in a specialized niche for a number of years a “list of names” will not only save you time but also uncover new names that have flowed into the ever-changing waters of the employment landscape since the last time you peeked under the covers.

Leaving the specialized recruiter out of this, a “list of names” that is gathered to fit your very specific requirements out of very specific companies and industries will give you the foothold that gives you several steps up, quickly, in your efforts. After all, what is a list of names?

The reader in that string is encouraged to consider a “list of names” as some anonymous confluence and listing of letters in the alphabet that contain no worth or meaning. Nothing, I repeat nothing could be further from the sacred truth. A list of names that is provided by a telephone names sourcer is guaranteed to fit your requirements. After all, if you task me to go into a company that employs the best software engineers in the world doing Java to find all their developers, that’s exactly what I’m going to do. I’m not going to slap “names” onto a document that come willy-nilly out of the target (or out of any other company!) I’m going to go into the department that houses these specific types of software engineers in the company you designate and find out who specifically they are. How more pointed can that be? How more targeted can you get? How much better of a “referral” can those names be?

There’s a bonus hidden in here when you use a telephone names sourcer. A telephone names sourcer is going to find the far greater majority of possible candidates that exist in the ecosystem because – why? Most of these potential candidates cannot be found on the Internet because – why again? They’re not listed anywhere in/under/above/wherever you look on the Internet!

In the process of providing you with mostly hitherto unseen/never before spoken-to specific names (with specific titles and specific phone numbers) out of the specific companies you want I am providing you a most specific and most valuable other commodity – time savings. It is Time, my friends, that is the most precious commodity on earth. Unlike every other single commodity on earth and in the heavens, we can never get more of it. Don’t waste it by wondering what good a list of names is.
Need a list of names fast? Call TechTrak! 513 899 9628

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you've obviously never recruited before, eh Queen Shariba?

(for those who think I'm attacking Maureen, nothing could be further from the truth - we really are best of friends, each with a wicked sense of humor)
Well said Maureen. There needs to me more clarity in distinguishing a real phone sourcer versus data collector.
(If the internet went down we can still pick up the phone and get names)

Thanks for posting this.

G'ahead Steve - attack!
And no, suffice it to say, I never have full-cycle recruited! Don't hate me for it.
“My center is giving way, my right is in retreat; situation excellent. I shall attack.” ~ Ferdinand Foch (1851-1929), French general.
Message allegedly sent to General Joffre during Battle of the Marne, 8 Sept. 1914. Quoted in: B. H. Liddell Hart, Reputations, "Ferdinand Foch" (1928). This was in all likelihood apocryphal, originating in Foch's repeated refrain to his troops, Attaquez! According to Liddell Hart, his insistence decimated the companies under his command, and the eventual German withdrawal astonished the exhausted French troops. Other variations of the message include, "Ma droite est enfoncée, ma gauche cède-tout va bien-j'attaque!" ("My right gives way, my left yields, everything's fine-I shall attack!").

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