I have people contact me every day for help in their job search. I am always happy to assist and if I hear of anything, I forward their resume or try and get them an introduction. They may be passively looking or they may be in a desperate situation and needing to secure gainful employment as soon as possible. Either way, there is a certain level of anxiety, a feeling of not really knowing what the next step should be.

Even when talking with recruiters in the midst of their own search, they seem to forget the basics. All of a sudden, everything they have been telling their own candidates flies out of their brains and they are filled with, not only dread, but a classic case of nerves and impatience. Why is that? Why do we become like little children that need a mum?

-The young college student looking for full-time employment that will work around her class schedule. 

-The mom who only wants to work from ten until three, Monday through Friday.
-The man with his house on the line, willing to take any thing, any where.
-The friend that just needs a little advice.
-The former colleague looking for the best job board.
-The networking group that needs a speaker.
-The previous client interested in your product and how you came to the space...

The list can go on and on…
We each work for different reasons. To pay the bills. To feel accomplished. To continually learn, gain experience. To achieve success. To gain financial independence. To get simply out of the house or away from a significant other for the day or forever. To fulfill a need. Out of a sense of obligation or loyalty. To obtain health insurance. It is where my education led me. To find happiness.

So many reasons…, I have worked for each of these reasons at one point in my life or another. Most of us probably have. When we begin a job search, why we work becomes clearly defined, until that search becomes protracted, then all of a sudden, certain reasons become fuzzy and less important than others. One of the first to go out the door is happiness. Why is that? Because we settle and we are more worried about the bills getting paid than the ulcer we will ultimately develop. Only you can know when and if it is time to settle, and if it will help.

The statistic I read today, one-fifth of all job seekers will conduct their job search entirely online. This number will only rise, are you ready for the flood?

©by rayannethorn

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Mankind has deteriorated in character. Only the few noble minded remain. Why dont we unite, group, discuss and work to establish the next generation of humans? We must propagate nobleness, humility, chivalry, excellence to others and to newborns. Why dont we start this new society/fraternity?

Clean Whites

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