You should know...,
One thing I have learned over the years is that you should know. You should know that at some point or another you will bump into someone that knows you, that remembers you, that has heard of you. And just what will that be? What will have been remembered or said about you? Life isn't like Vegas, "what happens there, stays there." Life and reputation have a tendency to sneak up on you when you least expect it. Will you be prepared?

Of course, we have all had moments that we wish had never happened or words we wish we could retract. There was this one time when I got caught saying some mean things about a co-worker. The mean things I was saying were true and her own reputation and actions eventually caught up with her, but I didn't need to lower myself to her level or act in such a manner. And of course, the time I flipped off the Bishop is a keeper. But it's nice when, every once and a while, the thing that comes back to haunt you is a good thing.

Upon moving to a new area, I was able to get my son involved in AYSO. It has been a lot of fun and given that he is thirteen, it is very unusual - at this age and level of play - that someone would be a beginner, but he is and it has been very fulfilling. I love, love, love watching my kids play sports, or deliver speeches, or perform on stage, or just tell a story. And though I am sure I will regret saying this, I do love being a soccer mom. (That hurt a little)

At a recent game, a friend who is also one of the other moms asked me why I was green in a recent picture on Facebook. I told her about a show in which I played a Martian several years ago called Santa Claus Conquered the Martians. It was based on one of the worst movies ever made, but as it turns out, is a delightful play. It has consistently sold out performances and is returning for its fifth year, though I only participated one of those years. One of the other moms heard me and asked me to repeat what I had just said. We discovered that she had actually traveled thirty miles to attend a performance with her husband and three boys during the year that I was in the show. They had a great time and loved the show -a priceless family memory.

The next game, I planted my soccer mom chair next to this same mom and she said, "Guess what I found," as she produced a picture of her family on the set of Santa Claus Conquers the Martians, surrounded by the entire cast - of which I was a part. I was in the picture she and her family had taken in 2007. We had never met until I relocated for my job and our sons played soccer together this fall. But she had been a part of my life and I had been a part of hers, as documented by the photo in her hand. Luckily, we had turned in a good performance that night, her family had a great time. A great memory. We don't need to leave a "legacy" but respectful thoughts and memories would be nice. What will you be remembered for? You should know.

by rayannethorn

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If you said you hate being a soccer mom I'd say why did you have kids?

"I got caught saying some mean things about a co-worker. The mean things I was saying were true and her own reputation and actions eventually caught up with her, but I didn't need to lower myself to her level"

I think it's good to be able to blow off steam about some asshole.
Rayanne, I loved your post.
What caught my attention was the title-which was what my father use to say, a lot. For a split second I thought that he had a message for me, through you. And now that I know that it is not the case, I do realize how inspiring you are as an individual. It is truly a great story, thank you for sharing.

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