

Founded in 1968 with the mission to support, service, and represent private personnel placement firms doing business in Connecticut, CAPS has grown to be one of the five largest personnel placement associations in the U.S with over 500 members.

Location: Connecticut
Members: 12
Latest Activity: Jul 9, 2011



Dedicated to Supporting, Servicing & Representing
Connecticut’s Personnel Placement Businesses

Founded in 1968 with the mission to support, service, and represent private personnel placement firms doing business in Connecticut, CAPS has grown to be one of the five largest personnel placement associations in the United States with over 500 members.

The fact that we have such a large membership clearly highlights the fact that Connecticut has both a highly sophisticated labor market as well as a high level of professionalism in the personnel placement industry.

Today our mission remains the same – provide education, promote industry ethics and arbitration, and facilitate communications for our members, individual employers and the public.

CAPS Education Programs
CAPS sponsors educational programs on a monthly basis for our members, as well as non-members. These programs include day-long seminars and workshops with industry experts. The objective of these programs is to help our members keep current and competitive in an industry that is constantly changing, plus keep abreast of the technology used to maintain and grow a successful business.

In addition to programs about law, recruiting, interviewing, personnel evaluation, marketing, communications and psychology, CAPS offers certification courses that allow personnel consultants to obtain their professional designation as Certified Personnel Consultant (CPC) and Certified Temporary Specialist (CTS) – both of which require written and verbal exams.

CAPS Ethics & Arbitration
CAPS is the standard-bearer and watchdog for the personnel placement industry in Connecticut. As such, through promoting the Standard of Ethical Practice and a comprehensive education process, ethics related complaints are greatly reduced amongst our members. However, when we are made aware of a dispute on ethical or legal questions, we offer arbitration as an alternative to the time and expenses that could be realized with a judicial system solution.

All CAPS members subscribe to the Code of Ethics and Standards of Ethical Practices of The National Association of Personnel Services (NAPS). Local, state and national ethics committees ensure compliance. Guidelines for these committees establish a three-step program of education, persuasion and enforcement to handle complaints. Complaints against CAPS members and non-members may be brought to CAPS for action. Client employers, the public, member and non-member personnel offices and agencies may all lodge a complaint. Typically, education and persuasion are effective in resolving most complaints quickly.
Inquiries or complaints relating to the ethical conduct of personnel consulting services may be directed to CAPS for consideration by our Ethics Committee.

Specific Information on Ethical Practices
CAPS members subscribe to the Code of Ethics and Standards of Ethical Practices of the National Association of Personnel Services (NAPS). Local, state, and national ethics committees ensure compliance. Guidelines for these committees establish a three-step program of education, persuasion, and enforcement to handle complaints. To jump immediately to the NAPS Standards of Ethical Practices, click here.

CAPS Communications
At CAPS we understand the importance of fostering and maintaining various channels of communications to promote and support our association – whether it is at the local, state, regional or national level. It is through this understanding that we maintain an active public information program, create a quarterly newsletter for our members, sponsor networking events locally and state-wide, and represent CAPS at regional and national conventions.

On the legislative front, CAPS reviews proposed bills as well as monitors activities in our state’s capitol, assessing the impact government legislation would have on our member firms, and organizing legislative action to serve the industry’s and public’s best interest. In addition, CAPS is constantly working with NAPS, who is headquartered in Washington, D.C. to educate, promote and protect the personnel placement industry – making us one of the most active associations in the country.


What it means?
Since 1961, the National Association of Personnel Services has been certifying recruiting and staffing professionals nationally. Today, there are more than 10,000 professionals designated as Certified Personnel Consultants (CPC) or Certified Temporary-Staffing Specialists (CTS). Over 300 professionals are dually certified, a trend that continues to grow as the market and demand dictates more blended capabilities. NAPS also has available the first staffing specialty certification designation, the Physician Recruiting Consultant (PRC).

Why certify?
Certification is viewed by the business community and the industry as a seal of excellence. Fortune Magazine reported in its July 20, 1998 issue that one way to choose a recruiter is to ask if they've been certified.

NAPS certification was initially established as a self-regulation vehicle for the staffing industry. Today, along with this, it is the opportunity to expand the professional knowledge base in employment law, changing regulations, best business practices and the highest standards of ethics.
How to get certified?
CAPS continues to work closely with NAPS to bring the Certification program to Connecticut. In 2007, CAPS is sponsoring two Certification Immersion Classes. These classes are taught by Bob Style, esq. and Dr. Frank Burtnett, the author of the manual and the author of the exam respectively. These intensive training sessions are designed to educate prospective certificants in the “body of knowledge” contained in NAPS legal manuals and “prep” individuals for the CPC or CTS examination. The class ends with the 2-hour exam.
This year the two CAPS sponsored Certification Immersion Classes will be offered

Recruiter Forum

CAPS MEETING JUNE 4, 2009 2 Replies

Started by Kristen Durkin. Last reply by Ziaur Rahman May 25, 2009.

Comment Wall


You need to be a member of CAPS to add comments!

Comment by Tim Spagnola on July 9, 2011 at 2:06pm
so any meetings upcoming? Also- anyone have interest in a RBC CT Meet-up?

Members (12)



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