So, recently I was dealing with the age old dilemma of when to put info into our ATS system. Putting LinkedIN profiles before they contacted us seemed a bit premature, but not tracking them also seemed a bit foolish.

What to do? Well, we switched to using Diigo thanks to the suggestion of my friend Michael Marlatt. Diigo is like a bookmarking system on steroids that allows you to share information publicly or privately amongst your own group of recruiters. But it also allows you to add comments, to them and sticky notes, so the next time you are on the same profile, your notes pop up. It is great for managing the overwhelmingly large (and repetitive) skill sets we work with on a daily basis.

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Hi Julia,

Thanks for the great hint! Could you please share how you go from a search on the web to adding info in Diigo? What do you add, a URL of a resume or of a profile or the name and contact info plus keywords for skills? Or both?
If you get many interesting results from a search, is there a way to upload a batch?

Great questions Irina. I am not sure if I can answer all of them.

For starters, we create groups for each skill set that we are searching for, turn the settings to private, and everytime we find something worth noting in a search, we add it to the list.

You can also use it to share info with friends. For example, I added a "floating sticky note" to this page which is public. Anyone on Diigo will see my notes and can add theirs. It also allows you to highlight sections of text, which I love!

We add tags (searchable keywords), and comments. When you are on the site, you just hit the Diigo toolbar & it allows you to add it to an existing list or create a new one on the fly. For sharing info between recruiters & sourcers, it is a lifesaver for us. No need to send spreadsheets back & forth, just click on the link in Diigo & add the comments, real time.

I don't know about uploading a batch, I think it would be possible. I work with such targeted skill sets, that we tend to tag each person individually. Someone else might know the answer.

Irina Shamaeva said:
Hi Julia,

Thanks for the great hint! Could you please share how you go from a search on the web to adding info in Diigo? What do you add, a URL of a resume or of a profile or the name and contact info plus keywords for skills? Or both?
If you get many interesting results from a search, is there a way to upload a batch?

Great idea; I too have been challenged with where to put some of the contact information I obtan while sourcing for resume. Hat's off.... and thanks for sharing



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